Example sentences of "[to-vb] because [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hammam said Jones was a Sheffield United player at the time the video was compiled and that Wimbledon were unjustly being made to suffer because of the suspended sentence .
2 That 's the bit that people fe find a bit hard to er to accept because in the real world it does n't actually happen because there 's always some other force like air resistance , friction , road resistance from your tyres and , and it grad it always stops eventually .
3 If a country was facing a payments deficit , then short-term capital outflows would tend to increase because of the potential capital gains accruing to holders if that country devalued its currency .
4 At the strategic level of integrating the territories into the Israeli economy , the competitive edge of Israel 's highly developed and heavily subsidized productive capacity in industry and agriculture destroyed the Palestinian sector almost in its entirety — although there was not an enormous amount to destroy because of the Jordanian legacy of economic neglect .
5 DUP leader the Rev Ian Paisley travelled to London today to urge the Commons to adjourn because of the recent bombings .
6 Muir , whose company has been involved in major retail construction projects throughout Scotland for eight years , said that the method was perhaps rather unorthodox , but was highly successful in keeping the overall contract time up to scratch because of the earlier unforeseen delays caused by the original steel fabricating company going into receivership .
7 The subsequent improvement in the balance of payments clearly owed something to devaluation but its effect is impossible to disentangle because of the general improvement in world markets .
8 I mean , I am not playing with words when I say this , but it wo n't improve as fast as we would have liked it to do because of the financial situation .
9 These systems worked well but were very difficult to justify because of the high cost of the equipment and low value of the savings ( being mostly space savings from removing filing cabinets ) .
10 Some of the patients with a curve in excess of 100° were no longer able to sit because of the pelvic obliquity consequent on the scoliosis ; they were bedridden not because of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy itself but because they had been allowed to develop such extensive spinal curves before referral to an orthopaedic muscle clinic .
11 Both Kolisko 's and Boyd 's experiments were painstaking and proved to be impossible for other workers to replicate because of the complicated experimental apparatus involved .
12 The development value of St. Andrews square bus station is extremely difficult to assess because in the last year alone commercial property values in the centre of Edinburgh have literally doubled .
13 If people 's payments for the good are related to their individual demand curves everyone has an incentive to lie because of the free-rider problem .
14 Ruth , looking down from the upper deck , her hand clasped around Anna 's , lifted her clear soprano voice with the rest , though it was difficult to sing because of the tight aching in her throat and the tears which pricked at her eyes .
15 Where movement is a major element in a scene , such as in a shot of a passing vehicle , a diagonal composition is generally the most effective and pleasing to watch because of the increased illusion of depth .
16 The punching elbow must be flexed before it can be extended fully , and any attempt to strike with a semi-extended arm is sure to fail because of the obvious weakness of the technique .
17 One facility used for making helicopter blades is now finding new use for producing jointless Wings which have the added benefit of being cheap to import because of the weak state of the Rand .
18 So I consequently never really learned to dance because of the limited opportunities .
19 Most women who arrive at the prison have been subjected to brutal torture and a prolonged stay in a secret prison , They arrive in a very weak condition from which many are unable to recover because of the inadequate food and health facilities , Two doctors visit the prison , but they are very negligent , in part , as one Prisoner explained , because their pay is always in arrears .
20 The company , which also sells building materials , has to move because of the proposed cross-town route linking the A68 and A66 .
21 The funeral was delayed by 30 minutes after mourners , including senior Sinn Fein member Martin McGuinness , refused to move because of the heavy police presence .
22 The RSPB uncovers dozens of cases every year of illegal persecution of birds of prey on estates and farms throughout Scotland , but successful prosecutions are difficult to achieve because of the detailed evidence required .
23 Though total equality might be hard to achieve because of the biological differences between the sexes , the legislation has perhaps been rounded of by the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986 .
24 An interim care order gives more flexibility to the plaintiffs as well as the other advantages of a care order and although , as I said at the outset , one rarely interferes with an interim order , in the present case I am less disinclined to interfere because of the initial invalidity of part of the order made by the justices .
25 The advantage of heading towards the shore has to weighed against the possible disadvantage of lighter winds closer to shore because of the slowing effect of the land .
26 You have the problem of how much to tax because on the one hand you 're trying to promote this rich peasant economy and not erm tax them too heavily because you do n't want to , them to not invest with
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