Example sentences of "[to-vb] back [prep] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If only we could persuade George Bush to look back at Iraq to see what has been left behind .
2 The company would retaliate with a double gang , one gang to decoy the landlords ' men to drinks in the nearest pub , the other to put back to rails to let the train through .
3 The vet gave him a strong dose of painkiller , and after waiting in vain for a while to see if the pain eased , she decided to pop back into town to fetch an x-ray machine .
4 He had decided to drive back to London to check the companies register in the City .
5 She 'd have been stuck in some noisy complex in Pollensa and then had to drive back to Palma to do his share of the work .
6 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
7 The hon. Gentleman knows that it would be more than my job was worth to attempt to go back on undertakings given by my right hon. and learned Friend .
8 She wanted to go back to bed to hug inside herself lovely warm memories of last night , of the fantastic Miguelito 's gentle voice and wisdom , his unforgettable kisses , and his strong dependability .
9 Bluster about morning hate and advice to go back to Adolph got a maddeningly cool reply .
10 All of which brought home the final lesson I had to go back to school to learn .
11 That is why I think it is good for me to go back to Scotland to remember that there is a world outside London and television .
12 ‘ He wants to go back to Africa to make amends and because he really liked the place , ’ a spokesman said .
13 They were delighted and arranged a reception for him in a studio formerly occupied by Chagall , who had left France before the war to go back to Russia to get married .
14 In regard to the first , for example — that kasabat kadis did not normally enter or re-enter the medrese stream-two caveats must be entered , the first of which is that one must explicitly exclude two areas in which movement between kadiliks and medreses was not uncommon : first , the kadiliks and medreses below the level at which the hierarchy began to operate , whose holders received perhaps five , ten or fifteen akce a day ; and second , those at the top of the hierarchy , since it was not uncommon for holders of mevleviyet kadiliks to go back to medrese teaching as a form of either temporary or permanent retirement from service as a kadi or a kazasker .
15 We had to go back to Porto to clear Customs back into Spain , and getting decent Met information was proving difficult .
16 Yet she did n't want him to go back to Australia thinking so badly of her .
17 He loved it and although he was obedient to his great theatrical challenge and returned to Stratford , he was happy to go back after Stratford to star in Legend Of Lovers , a play by Jean Anouilh which had begun life as Eurydice .
18 Charles refused , however , to fall back on Inverness to give the foragers time to come in .
19 To get back to base retrace your steps out of Coire Lagan , but head around the north side of Loch an Fhir-bhallaich .
20 ‘ Ah , but the only R.A.F. people to get back to England came from our place , ’ said the sheep .
21 Like the couple who left one of the rides early to get back in time to prepare the evening event ; and two hours later we met them — riding in the opposite direction !
22 The friends , all from the Meadowfield and Brandon area of County Durham , had stayed overnight on their way home and had made an early start to get back in time to play in a Sunday League fixture for their local pub team .
23 Indeed , I may never complete it , now that we have to move back to England to sort out our difficulties there . ’
24 There was one late withdrawal from the Irish squad , with Crystal Palace utility player Eddie McGoldrick allowed to travel back to London to finalise a possible move to Arsenal .
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