Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This should allow ample time to enable each branch to finalise its comments on the plan .
2 It aims to keep things that way by launching a High Court copyright action against British software designer Codemasters which is about to launch its games on the market .
3 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
4 The Wall Street Journal has been going through Richardson , Texas-based Cyrix Corp 's prospectus for its proposed initial public offering ( page seven ) and finds that the company has a hitherto undisclosed dispute with Texas Instruments Inc over licensing and manufacturing issues — Cyrix says it has received limited supplies of chips from Texas , and as a result ‘ assumes it will not receive any products from Texas Instruments in the future ’ ; the dispute could give Texas , which has a licence to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name , the right to sell all current and some future Cyrix products through the term of the five-year agreement , making it harder for Cyrix to develop its own brand name identity ; the current manufacturing agreement with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV would be able to meet its needs to the end of the year , after which it would need to buy its own manufacturing facility , expand its contracts with the two firms , or do a deal with another chip maker ; earlier this month , SGS-Thomson signed a new contract agreeing to supply chips to Cyrix to the end of 1994 , and gets the right to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name .
5 The danger to an investor would be if the investment trust 's net asset value fell so much that it could not afford to meet its commitments to the zero dividend preference shareholders .
6 He had provided the foundations for the strategic and tactical mobility that enabled the small regular Army to meet its commitments in the mid-1960s — but only just .
7 A report by the Commission of the European Communities ( EC ) , details of which were published by the Economy Ministry on Nov. 4 , called for at least another year of economic stringency , noting that by the end of 1991 ( the first year of the three-year stabilization plan which the EC had required when making its February 1991 loan — see pp. 37968 ; 38478 ) the government would have failed to meet its targets for the reduction of inflation and of the public-sector deficit .
8 Thus there were significant economic incentives for revolutionary Cuba at least to increase its options with the Soviet Union .
9 The organisation wants to increase its investments at the rate of a dozen or so per year .
10 The value of A 2 is a measure of solvent-polymer compatibility , as the parameter reflects the tendency of a polymer segment to exclude its neighbours from the volume it occupies .
11 The NSFU found it necessary to escort its men from the vessel through the BSU pickets , with their branch secretary French at their head , while the BSU men , led by Shinwell , were determined not to let them pass .
12 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
13 It is not an attitude that would carry much weight in other educational circles , but it is easy to see its roots in the traditions of apprenticeship to a trade .
14 GAELIC is the ancient language of Northern Ireland 's Catholics , the language the IRA likes to use to splatter its slogans around the province .
15 Although the board paid an interim dividend of 0.65 pence , it has decided at this stage to invest its funds in the business — the amount available , says chairman Rupert Bayfield , would have been negligible anyway .
16 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
17 The 102nd Russian submarine fleet at Petropavlovsk has been alert ever since the international courts overruled the Soviet appeals and gave GenTech the right to conduct its surveys in the area .
18 While we have had our differences with the Government about the interim advisory committee and the way in which it has worked , it might be worthwhile at this stage , in what might be our final debate on the work of the interim advisory committee , to thank its members for the work that they have done in the past few years .
19 SunSelect has already signed ComputerLand and Access Graphics to peddle its wares in the US .
20 Behind this medical pressure lay the thinly veiled threat that if the government refused to acknowledge its responsibilities towards the armies of the Empire , then the result would be destruction .
21 We are rather at the point of arguing that the state , and in particular its bureaucracy , may be free from subordination and manipulation by the ruling class in order to preserve its interests in the long run and as a whole .
22 3.3 The Distributor hereby undertakes that in the event of any infringement of the Trade Mark it will offer all such assistance as the Publisher may reasonably require to enforce its rights in the Territory .
23 4.3 The Distributor hereby undertakes that in the event or any infringement of the Trade Mark it will offer all such assistance as the Publisher may reasonable require to enforce its rights in the Territory .
24 4.3 The Distributor hereby undertakes that in the event or any infringement of the Trade Mark it will offer all such assistance as the Publisher may reasonable require to enforce its rights in the Territory .
25 4.3 The Distributor hereby undertakes that in the event or any infringement of the Trade Mark it will offer all such assistance as the Publisher may reasonable require to enforce its rights in the Territory .
26 Infolink has also launched a number of value-added services to support its customers in the consumer credit sector .
27 The company produced 211,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in 1991 , although it was unable to compare its emissions with the previous year .
28 Local trade unionists and labour ( ILP ) activists organized themselves in an effort to force the local authority , which was dominated by ‘ urban capitalists ’ ( housing landlords , builders , estate agents and others who derived their living from private rented housing ) , to implement its powers under the 1890 Housing of the Working Classes Act .
29 The Commission ruled that France 's failure to perform its obligations under the Covenant could not affect Mexico 's obligations under the agreement between itself and France .
30 9.1.6 the Tenant has any distress or execution levied on [ its ] goods the Landlord may re-enter the Premises ( or any part of them in the name of the whole ) at any time ( and even if any previous right of re-entry has been waived ) and then the Term will absolutely cease but without prejudice to any rights or remedies which may have accrued to the Landlord against the Tenant or the Guarantor [ or to the Tenant against the Landlord ] in respect of any breach of covenant or other term of this Lease ( including the breach in respect of which the re-entry is made ) All leases will , or should , contain a forfeiture provision which is usually in the form of a proviso reserving to the landlord a right of re-entry in the event of non-payment of rent , breach of covenant or circumstances resulting in , or likely to give rise to , the probability of the tenant being unable to perform its obligations under the lease , eg bankruptcy or liquidation .
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