Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 By setting up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( CVR ) in April 1990 to investigate human rights abuses under the previous military regime [ see p. 37528 ] , the new government of President Aylwin attempted to establish its authority over the armed forces and , in particular , the C.-in-C. of the army and former President , Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte .
2 Does my hon. Friend agree that our achievements in that aspect of education could not be better illustrated than by that which pertains in Nottinghamshire , where the university now has the highest ratio of applications to available places and where Nottingham polytechnic , which is soon to be a university , is planning to increase its capacity over the next couple of years to 16,000 student places ?
3 The old part of Norwich is tucked into a bend in the River Wensum , and as the city expanded , many bridges were built to carry its roads over the river .
4 Stepping forward , Curtis tipped the can and began to pour its contents over the wounded killer 's clothing and into his lap .
5 The position of Morocco was complex in that the government , having committed forces on the allied side , was compelled by the strength of domestic feeling to express its concern over the war .
6 The PNSF had previously been staunchly anti-Arafat and the initiative was regarded by some sources as an attempt by Syria to strengthen its influence over the PLO [ for March reports of Syrian plans to increase its influence within the PLO see p. 38121 ] .
7 Until Saturday , Mr Yeltsin and his team had received a comparatively easy ride , thwarting attempts by the Communist-dominated parliament to assert its authority over the executive .
8 French sovereignty , it was suggested , had been recognized over Indo-China ; but the paper maintained that this did not imply any commitment on the part of the US to assist France to exert its authority over the Indo-Chinese people .
9 The AIBS Refugee Office has written to Kenneth Clarke and Junior Home Office Minister Charles Wardle calling for an early meeting to discuss its concerns over the content of the new Asylum Bill .
10 Venice , therefore , had an imperative need to extend its influence over the Dalmatian coastal cities .
11 The two best-known ones are the one undertaken by Augustus Caesar , which allegedly affected the birth of Jesus , and the Domesday Survey compiled at the instigation of William I. Both of these were attempts by an occupying power to extend its control over the population and , no doubt , record the spoils of victory .
12 Consequently it continues to put its tongue over the bit or to rear .
13 THE CUP success of Middlesbrough Football Club has forced the nearby Cleveland Park greyhound stadium to switch its racenights over the next three weeks .
14 On 5 May Eisenhower chose to respond to the ensuing crisis by asserting the right of the United States to fly its planes over the Soviet Union if security considerations demanded such a course of action .
15 Analysts believe that the central bank , which cut interest rates by 1 percentage point last week in an attempt to stem the rise of the escudo , may be prepared to remove its barriers over the next few weeks if rate cuts staunch the flow of hot money into Lisbon .
16 The genre of the novel long competed with ‘ the news ’ as a primary means of circulating information about the world , but its advantage as a source of entertainment as well as information failed to maintain its edge over the less demanding oral media of radio and television .
17 David and Linda Leeder , of Wayside , Shalford , near Braintree met the archdeacon of Colchester , the Very Reverend Ernest Stroud in a bid to get the church to change its mind over the refusal .
18 During 1990 Brazil sought to improve its reputation over the destruction of the rainforest .
19 When the film Jaws came out , there were many attempts to explain its hold over the audience .
20 CHINA used a seven-year-old immigration agreement with Hong Kong yesterday to show its annoyance over the colony 's support for the Peking democracy movement .
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