Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 Her book is not a comprehensive history of English garden design , but a much chancier , though equally delightful narrative depending for its emphasis on what happened to find its way into the collection .
2 Weak on aesthetics it undoubtedly is , and yet curiously it is the only book on drama in education lucky enough to find its way into the impressive bibliography of the 1982 Calouste Gulbenkian publication on the Arts in Schools .
3 They can be formed on land near the sea , in shallow lakes or indeed anywhere where it is possible for a large volume of water to find its way into the volcanic vent .
4 Were such matter to find its way into the domestic blue-film market , the Board argued , it could have a very real tendency to deprave and corrupt , not just those of 16 , but of any age , who had been encouraged to view such material in private .
5 to keep ‘ important ’ issues off the agenda£ fails to take into account the diversity of media — magazines , journals , books , radio — which allow for an enormous amount of information to find its way into the public domain .
6 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
7 The MP 's motion and three parliamentary questions directed at the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , allege the copy was given to the fraud squad to help its investigations into the successful £615million bid for Fraser by the Fayed brothers in 1985 .
8 The group is asking the commission to reopen its inquiry into the environmental consequences of the road and believes the case could still be referred to the European Court of Justice if the government is found to have infringed EC directives .
9 A YEAR CAME AND a year went and another began to tick its way into the clock of time .
10 The whole structure was now owned by the municipality of Jaffa and the museum hoped to extend its galleries into the rest of the building when money was made available .
11 The normal tendency of such a ‘ preparation ’ ( biologists ' speak for an animal to which they have done something nasty , akin to the use of the term ‘ sacrifice , that I commented on earlier ) is to extend its legs into the liquid bath .
12 What , then , are the main constraints on Soviet attempts to project its power into the sub-continent and to consolidate a strong economic presence there ? perhaps the most obvious and important factor to take into account is still the long-established and deeply entrenched socio-political and economic ascendancy of the United States of America .
13 As early as 1967 an inner group of ministers was examining proposals for the modernization of Polaris to prolong its credibility into the 1990s .
14 Now it is hoping to take shares in another quartet of carriers and to spread its wings into the world 's biggest single airline market , the United States .
15 Object-oriented versions of AIX and OS/2 will also use ObjectStore subsets , and Object Design is currently negotiating to get its stuff into the IBM-Apple Computer Inc Taligent Inc object operating system effort .
16 Object-oriented versions of AIX and OS/2 will also use ObjectStore subsets , and ODI is currently negotiating to get its stuff into the IBM/Apple Taligent Inc object operating system effort .
17 Farrar-Hockley attributes the British intervention to an anti-appeasement mindset , worries about American isolationism , and concern for ‘ adherence to the charter of the United Nations to prevent its decline into the impotence of the League of Nations ’ ( p. 203 ) .
18 However , it was one of the typewriter creatures that had managed to dig its way into the cell .
19 Digital Equipment Corp is expected to make its move into the open systems transaction processing market this month with OSF/1 and Windows NT versions of its ACMS Application Control and Management System .
20 Digital Equipment Corp is expected to make its move into the open systems on-line transaction processing marketplace this month with OSF/1 and Windows NT versions of its ACMS Application Control and Management System .
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