Example sentences of "[to-vb] some [noun sg] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The numerous victims of their rapacity and greed had no reason to risk their necks for the king and his favourites ; nobles such as the king 's half-brother the Earl of Norfolk , who might have expected to enjoy some influence at court , hated the Despensers for their monopoly of the king 's presence ; and the heirs of the victims of 1322 had everything to gain from the overthrow of Edward 's regime .
2 An Iraqi tanker manages to unload some cargo at Aden , but Yemen then affirms its respect for sanctions .
3 Ball was able to do some training at Roker Park yesterday , but the game might be a little too soon for him .
4 I managed to scrounge some tobacco at Brigade H.Q and was soon handing it over to the Frenchman .
5 I 'm going to get some lunch at grandma 's .
6 I 've spent 13 years travelling the world with badminton — I was coach to the Australian side at the last World Championships — and it will be nice to spend some time at home .
7 ‘ How long have you known my brother ? ’ she asked politely , feeling driven to make some effort at conversation .
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