Example sentences of "[to-vb] them [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , she had taken Charles with her when she went to see them perform for the first time .
2 Having made contact with a group of students at the nearby Architectural Association he went to see them play at the Goings On Club in Archer Street , a tiny place largely frequented by poets .
3 I would nt be at all suprised to see them play in the ‘ theatre of dreams ’ .
4 Courses were necessary for mainstream teachers , including headteachers , to help them cater for the multilingual population of their schools , and Heads of Modern Languages , who were often given responsibilities for South Asian languages despite the current limitations of their professional competence to foreign European languages , were a prime target for reorientation courses .
5 When world oil prices plunged in the 1980s , their leaders did little to help them adjust to the inevitable decline in living standards .
6 The Council will also be producing in-service materials for teachers to help them cope with the changes and , provided this is prepared and delivered in close collaboration with local education authorities , as is the stated intention , this should be very helpful provided the Council avoids being prescriptive about teaching style .
7 They must cross the gender divide to join their fathers , both to help them cope with the pain of parting from their first love and also to match social expectations of the male sex .
8 There is considerable ( ? deliberate ) confusion about the figures , but it seems that general practice and community services will receive about 4% extra revenue next year to help them prepare for the extra workload .
9 Paul and Miranda Gunn had their charming young family to help them look after the guests ; their two sons Mr Munro Gunn who works at John D. Wood , and Mr Marcus Gunn who had just got home from Paris , where is working at the Paris Business School ; also their two daughters Miss Petronella Gunn , who is studying at Bristol University ; and seventeen-year-old Miss Rosie Gunn , who is a member of the Junior British Eventing team , and last year competed at Lausanne , where she won the award for the highest placed British rider .
10 They do n't have superhuman powers to help them deal with the superstar image and pressures that they have had to put on them by the media and their fans .
11 In order to reinforce the Cartagena Declaration , Bush stated that he would ask the US Congress to sanction increased aid to the three Andean countries for the period 1991-94 , to help them deal with the social and economic problems resulting from drug eradication programmes .
12 The court was told that the accused had used matches to help them see in the barn .
13 FOUR North Wales schoolgirls are seeking sponsorship to help them get to the British ski championships .
14 To help them get in the laughing mood . ’
15 However , it was claimed that criminals saw the vans operating in the city 's large housing schemes as an ideal front from which to sell drugs and stolen goods , and threatened the legitimate operators into giving up their runs to let them move into the area .
16 However , it was claimed that criminals saw the vans operating in the city 's large housing schemes as an ideal front from which to sell drugs and stolen goods , and threatened the legitimate operators into giving up their runs to let them move into the area .
17 I listen to their stories , and I know when to let them sleep in the shade . ’
18 She meant Hepzibah and Mister Johnny and how she owed it to them to let them stay in the house because there was nowhere else they could go , not with Mister Johnny 's shy ways .
19 Better to give them a good life here than to let them suffer in the vague hope of some better afterlife . ’
20 ‘ He refused to let them return in the New Year to London , ’ she said .
21 If the client refuses to let them communicate with the auditors , then they should turn the job down .
22 If we teach a horse to move to the right away from the pressure of a rider 's leg on their left side ; they do not seem to be able to reason that pressure on the right side is intended to make them move to the left .
23 Is it ethical for man to interfere with the genetic constitution and physiological functions of living organisms , especially of man and the higher animals , in order to make them perform in a different way ?
24 The great public buildings were stuccoed with gypsum to make them dazzle in the bright sea-light .
25 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
26 ’ Thus if the goods require anything to be done to them in order for them to be ready for delivery or in order to make them comply with the contract , they will not be in a deliverable state .
27 Now what I 'm wondering is this : instead of thinking that staying put is natural , and then having to introduce a force of gravity — which then mysteriously pulls on everything to make them behave in the same way — why not start out by saying that falling is the natural thing to do !
28 Crucially , they found it almost impossible to make them work for a wage .
29 ‘ It seemed unfair to make them play in the dark , ’ John says .
30 to make them blink for a bit , to smirch
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