Example sentences of "[to-vb] out [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Was there another car ahead , waiting to pull out and sandwich them with the Peugeot coming up behind ?
2 They have to clock out when leaving their desk and clock back in before returning .
3 I was hiding behind , I was hiding behind a tree and ready to jump out and flash my torch and my going aargh , yeah
4 You want to scream out and make them stop it , and you want to cringe up your body and hide it somewhere , and there 's nowhere to hide , and the shells keep screaming down and blowing everything up all around you .
5 He would be certain , positive , that he was about to walk Into a tree , or a post or sign he had n't noticed ; even that somebody had been watching from behind a tree and was about to leap out and punch him hard on the nose .
6 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
7 Imagine what it 's like ( if you are a Tory ) to be unable to drive down the street without every red or orange poster in every window appearing to leap out and stab you in the heart .
8 Unlike them , he does have the chance to come out and lead his troops in person , purging any doubts about his leadership with the sheer , naked courage of his performance .
9 ‘ I take it someone has forgotten to come out and meet you . ’
10 After a period of silence from outside , a voice now hailed Place , told him to come out and give himself up .
11 ‘ I spoke to three different minicab firms , but none of them wanted to come out and fetch us .
12 We should not only lose , against eight times our numbers , but we might well tempt the Forteviot garrison to come out and rescue us , and the fort would be taken . ’
13 Er , because he 's got to come out and read it .
14 But it 's a dangerous thing to come out and commit yourself to publicly .
15 Not even the fantasy that one of the Tsar 's descendents was preparing to come out and offer himself as a leader within Russia itself , defying the authorities to arrest him and prove that they had n't changed after all .
16 ‘ When you consider what a great ambassador for the sport Gary has been , for him to come out and say what he has , then obviously things could not have been right .
17 I do n't know how bad he really is ; I only know it will be some time before he 'll be able to come out and take you away and , what is more , work for you .
18 You tell us and we 'll tell Nottinghamshire for free so that 's What 's On B B C Radio Nottingham Box two two two in Nottingham Nottingham N G one three H Z to write to and do n't forget tonight as well er if you want to come out and see us we 're doing Drinking Partners our pub quiz er we 're in the Star Inn on Middle Street in Beeston and the evening there starts at eight o'clock .
19 He was about to pass out and said he thought an iron bar had been put in his back
20 Er you can usually you still have to work out and measure what er what the kitchen needs or the bathroom needs
21 These planetary tables enabled to work out and test his flaws for planetary motion .
22 Rather than have to bail out and do it again .
23 Graham and I had risen early , thinking to creep out and leave our host in peace , but he was a difficult man to steal a march on .
24 Both oral presentation and writing , however , have an additional function in helping the researchers to sort out and understand their findings in order to be able to communicate them to others .
25 Both oral presentation and writing , however , have an additional function in helping the researchers to sort out and understand their findings in order to be able to communicate them .
26 She wanted to reach out and hold him to her , to draw him close and comfort him , but it was too late now .
27 He had trouble , when she began to cry , her face that of a heartbroken child 's , not to reach out and hold her one last time .
28 Perhaps the Gruagach had been following them , keeping just out of sight , waiting until they dismounted , ready to reach out and scoop them up and carry them back to Tara and the roasting spits …
29 Ruth wanted to reach out and pull him back , as if he were moving towards a precipice .
30 She longed to reach out and press her open palm against it .
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