Example sentences of "[to-vb] up the [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Public pressure on the Canadian and Quebec governments has resulted in the pledge of more than 2.4 billion dollars over the next 10 years to clean up the St Lawrence and create a marine sanctuary for the remaining belugas .
2 Erm , I , I wanted to pick up the point Mrs said , I , I do n't think this will necessarily this will be one of those allowances which people will er , claim on a regular basis .
3 The Ethiopian government and the Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) guerrillas , responding to an Oct. 4 request from 30 international aid agencies , reportedly reached an agreement on Nov. 23 to open up the Red Sea port of Massawa to UN relief vessels .
4 It was presented to the Aids organisation by Brian May , a guitarist in the group , and drummer Roger Taylor to set up the Freddie Mercury Memorial Trust .
5 At this point you have to set up the machines CMOS memory for the new drive .
6 The first was over £1 million to set up the George Pitt-Rivers Chair of Archaeological Science in memory of the distinguished anthropologist , the late Captain George Pitt-Rivers .
7 After that , nothing happened for hours till Gloria suddenly said , ‘ Listen , ducky , I 'm going to pop up the West End .
8 She would have to give up the Pizza Eater .
9 Indeed , in a move designed to speed up the process Lloyd has made a ‘ little publicised ’ offer to the Lawn Tennis Associations ITI set up , which would see him build centres — ITI centres — and run them as such , in addition to running them as private clubs .
10 . I I i i in a way I want to back up the point Mr has just just made .
11 ‘ And if we 're to outwit these giants , there 's nothing for it but for me to call up the Draoicht Suan .
12 More typically , the Unionist belief in the Empire was set against the Liberal plans to break up the United Kingdom , as in the leaflet Under which flag ? of July 1914 : this made the comparison between Unionists who had fought in South Africa and Liberals who had been pro-Boer and who would now shoot loyal Ulstermen .
13 Lewis Edwards tells of someone who wanted to break up the Hobgoblin Stone ( Carreg-y-Bucci ) in Wales for gateposts .
14 In the midst of these , in 1926 , there arrived in India the man who was to take up the challenge Gandhi had thrown down to the Englishman 's belief in his god-given aptitude for rule — the sixteenth viceroy , Lord Irwin .
15 To wind up the proceedings Commandant Vonla McBride , a member of the RNLI 's Committee of Management , proposed a vote of thanks to his Royal Highness The Duke of Kent for attending the meeting and for presenting the awards .
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