Example sentences of "[to-vb] than the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Relaxation classes , acupuncture and hypnosis are other ways of emulating the nicotine high ; statistically , they are less likely to work than the real thing .
2 Yesterday morning at Masham there was more to report than the poor reversing .
3 It can be seen that the trie was in fact faster to search than the reduced memory tree in all three cases , however it uses more memory ( approximately one and a half times as much as the reduced memory tree ) .
4 Yet the sobbing of the unfortunate women who had found lice in their hair had been easier to endure than the malicious pleasure of those who had found none .
5 Such detailed procedures required to be operated by builders involve an equivalent , if not greater , cost to administer than the traditional PAYE scheme for directly employed labour .
6 The funnel structure shown in the drawing is certainly usable but it is much more difficult to use than the ordinary funnel shown in the drawing for " efficiency " .
7 As can be seen from the example this is much easier to use than the initial typesetting format .
8 Modern gas blowlamps are cleaner and safer to use than the old-fashioned paraffin type and , for most jobs , the type which is fitted on to a disposable cartridge is perfectly adequate .
9 Then patch the surface with the special filler provided ( one-part types are easier to use than the two-part systems , where you have to mix a special catalyst with the filler paste ) .
10 The paper clamps are the long metal sprung levers found on the Bosch professional range , and these were trouble-free and certainly quicker to use than the push-lever types found on some models .
11 One set of code — ‘ a lot easier to use than the native toolkits ’ says Personal Workstations — can be used for MS-Windows , Presentation Manager , Open Look , OSF/Motif and Macintosh GUI software , and can also produce a windowing interface for character-based screens .
12 Vauxhall 's new four is said to offer better induction and combustion and be more compact and economical to build than the present unit .
13 The intention was easier to understand than the attempted execution .
14 If such an exact situation existed it would be even harder to understand than the approximate situation which does exist .
15 An easier species to keep than the Banded Coral Shrimp ( Stenopus hispidus ) the other commonly available cleaner shrimp species and so adaptable that pairs will regularly breed in captivity .
16 It would probably be true to say , however , that the long and passionate ‘ french ’ hiss is more likely to give the gonococcus a chance to spread than the toothless peck on the cheek from an aged aunt .
17 These twin problems of psychological dependence and social pressure were regarded by the majority of users as more difficult to overcome than the physical aspect of their addiction .
18 Clearly this is a much more subtle , fallible and variable aspect of the child 's visual behaviour to attempt to measure than the clinical aspects of use of vision .
19 They are also less cunning and exploratory , having less danger to face than the soft-bodied species .
20 They said it was no more difficult to maintain than the Green Sword and had up to 50 babies per brood .
21 Very heavy Syrian casualties would apparently have been deemed a lesser price to pay than the probable failure of anything less than what the general 's men say was planned : a full-scale armoured and infantry assault involving 40,000 men on five main axes along a 50-kilometre front .
22 ‘ The question of whether a pleasure flight … could , or should , be removed from the definition of ‘ public transport ’ is more complex to review than the medical situation of over age sixty pilots …
23 And Anglican laymen in America may have felt that a bishop from across the ocean would be harder to influence than the local clergy , many of whom were American by origin , though in several cases they had gone to Britain to complete their education .
24 Note that this may conflict with requirements of efficiency given above for example , a chain of subroutines takes longer to obey than the expanded code and the liberal use of remark statements to aid readability uses up a lot of valuable memory .
25 Fortunately for Mr Milosevic , public opinion in Serbia is easier to manipulate than the Bosnian Serb parliament .
26 As the Audit Commission said , it will cost considerably more to collect than the net yield to the Treasury .
27 Some taxes , such as capital taxes and land development taxes merely political in origin , are often unproductive and cost more to collect than the gross proceeds .
28 Furthermore , the sensitising effect of extensive nociceptive stimulation from surgery may prove much more difficult to block than the limited chemical or thermal stimuli used in animal models of pain .
29 Our filter is more to blame than the other person .
30 The form served on the defendant permits all these possibilities and is much easier to follow than the old forms , which were criticised as being too complicated .
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