Example sentences of "[to-vb] him [adv prt] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was hardly a secret that Gallieni , no admirer of Joffre ( who , among other things , had stolen much of the honour due to Gallieni for the victory of the Marne ) , wanted eventually to pull him back to Paris in the largely administrative capacity of a CIGS , while placing the executive command of the armies in the field under de Castelnau .
2 In this encounter and during many others following , as it turned out , his God proved more willing to try him than to catch him up to safety ; and in this trial of his will , Kit Everard failed .
3 Later it was to lead him on to Oz , Ink , and Friends .
4 Ganymede was beloved by ZEUS , who assumed the guise of an eagle so as to spirit him up to Olympus ; there he was given immortality and became the gods ' cup-bearer , responsible for giving them their daily draught of the Elixir of Life .
5 General Monk , in the spring of 1660 , led a bloodless coup and declared that Charles II should become King , so a warship was sent to Holland to fetch him back to England , where he arrived before the end of May , aged 30 years , and was received rapturously in London .
6 I had to tag him on to group deals as a makeweight — you know , like the contract I did for twelve of my players with UK Airlines .
7 I entreat you both That , being of so young days brought up with him And sith so neighboured to his youth and haviour That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court Some little time , so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures , and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean , Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus , That opened lies within our remedy .
8 He has promised to contact Ron direct to keep him up to date .
9 He was a bright child ; my father intended to send him off to school properly when the time came , and had already started him learning the alphabet .
10 One afternoon a flying fortress which had come off worse on the mission over Germany tried to land at Walsall , which was much too small to take an aircraft of this size , and the girl in the control box had to find , fire a warning vary light and radio to send him off to Castle Bromwich which was much bigger in those days er it was an airport to take an aircraft the size of the Flying Fortress that 's about it up until here I 've written
11 Within a year he had so impressed Telford that he was invited to become his assistant in London , where he spent the next three years , until his father 's illness in the summer of 1824 prompted Telford to send him back to Inverness ; two months later his father died .
12 it was at this crisis point that the tour management decided to send him back to school — to Alf Gover 's famous establishment for an intensive three-day course .
13 The Frisian , Liudger , later bishop of Münster , was studying at York under Alcuin when civil disturbances at York , involving Frisians and presaging perhaps the eventual overthrow of Alhred , obliged Alcuin to send him back to Frisia .
14 If de Gaulle had adopted an exclusively parliamentary approach , the RPF 's victory in 1951 might have been enough to carry him back to power , but only on the system 's terms .
15 The moment the work was done he had ordered his coachman to drive him back to Millfield as fast as the horses would go .
16 When the Company entered the dynastic politics of southern India by putting forward a candidate of its own in the Carnatic , the French were soon able to drive him back to Trichinopoly and beseige him there .
17 Look what happened to Flaubert : a century after his death Sartre , like some brawny , desperate lifeguard , spent ten years beating on his chest and blowing into his mouth ; ten years trying to yank him back to consciousness , just so that he could sit him up on the sands and tell him exactly what he thought of him .
18 She knew better than to invite him back to Water Gypsy for a coffee .
19 I want to get him up to Inspector as soon as possible . ’
20 I wanted to get him down to Théovard .
21 We had organized a helicopter to get him down to London in time .
22 Then he wrote to Mike for more ‘ counselling ’ , whereupon Mike offered to coach him back to fitness — on the telephone .
23 Pop , as the Japs drew nearer , had organised the men with one of our Mission doctors , and they hoped to walk out up the Chindwin Valley and over into Assam , but unfortunately for Pop his feet had gone septic , and at the end he was dumped on Myitkya airfield for a night and a day , waiting for a plane to take him over to Dibrugarh in Assam .
24 If he had allowed her to take him back to London , he might have been stuck for life with a woman in her thirties ( and getting older by the day ) .
25 Not long afterwards she left the cabin , and Edward returned to his bunk to wait for the ship to sail , to take him back to Sweden .
26 CHRIS WADDLE is staying at Sheffield Wednesday , despite a £3 million bid to take him back to France .
27 Officers from the Lothian and Borders force are expected to take him back to Scotland tonight .
28 Officers from the Lothian and Borders force are expected to take him back to Scotland tonight .
29 and the doctor advised me to take him back to Rhodesia
30 There are times , however , when even that motivation is not enough to push him on to success and the Spartathlon is the perfect example .
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