Example sentences of "[to-vb] their [noun pl] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Racing cyclists generally like to meet their fans at the beginning of a stage , but do n't ask for autographs today .
2 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
3 The discount houses would then be obliged to pay whatever level of interest was required to prevent banks ' demanding money at call , i.e. that rate of interest on call money which persuaded banks not to use this route to increase their balances at the Bank but to forgo instead their intention of increased lending .
4 De Candolle realized that all species have the potential to increase their numbers at the expense of rivals occupying the same territory .
5 Ninety people are to lose their jobs at a bleach factory .
6 It 's just been announced that three hundred and thirty workers are to lose their jobs at an oil and gas extraction equipment factory .
7 It was an age in which all classes of society were expanding , in which men from every walk of life who enjoyed adventure and travel could find new opportunities as merchants to invest their talents at a large rate of interest .
8 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
9 Why is there a shortage of money for our teams and travelling coaches , or is it simply that the LTA 's overpaid employees are anxious to preserve their lifestyles at the expense of British tennis ?
10 Hundreds more Herefordians are expected to risk their morals at the first show in the city early next month .
11 Shareholders can protect themselves from hostile takeovers and leveraged buyouts by not agreeing to sell their shareholdings at a discount .
12 In 1272 Kilwardby , in 1399 Salmon of Norwich , and in 1303 Gainsborough of Worcester were all required to take an oath to receive their lands at the king 's pleasure and not by papal grant , an oath which was thereafter usual whenever a bishop obtained his see by provision .
13 The trend towards milder winters is beginning to concern horticulturists. many trees need lengthy cold spells if they are to open their buds at the right time in spring , and research on the Continent confirms that apple trees will be confused by the changing climate .
14 The team 's ball-item ( ‘ Sugar and Spice ’ ) would be the one in which they had to deposit their balls at the back of the stage , jump , turn and move downstage .
15 It was outlined in the Housing Act ( 1980 ) , which gave council tenants with three years ' residence the right to buy their properties at a substantial discount .
16 Pupils who do not manage to buy their books at the School Book Sales should place their order with the booksellers before the end of the Session .
17 A lucky few will then be chosen to play their versions at the town hall concert when the full LSO , conducted by Richard McNicol , will play the original .
18 Rosemary Sandford of Darlington Association on Disability , said they were saddened and disappointed they were not given the opportunity to express their views at the meeting .
19 Both men have the chance to put their cases at a series of election meetings between 22 March and 8 April , with voting papers to be returned by 12 May .
20 They were required by statute to keep their pipes at a certain pressure level .
21 David Norman used his words more precisely when he said they were ectothermic reptiles which were able to keep their bodies at a constant temperature ‘ by being very large and living in a warm , mild climate . ’
22 Other wardens were from time to time granted leave by Henry III to postpone their accounts at the Exchequer , and he remitted the debts of others .
23 The county 's community health unit , which has its headquarters at Bryn y Neuadd Hospital , Llanfairfechan , will give the people of Gwynedd a chance to air their views at a series of meetings .
24 They discovered the secrets of the seashore before learning how to polish their finds at the Margrove Heritage Centre .
25 They are able to do this because with a large number of depositors it is highly unlikely that they would all want to withdraw their deposits at the same time .
26 First he submitted that under section 6(2) the school owed a duty to comply with the applicants ' preference to educate their daughters at the school by admitting them unless that duty was disapplied by section 6(3) .
27 This is because it is second nature for them to pose their questions at the level of the individual organism .
28 If the values of UK purchases of dollars and of US purchases of sterling are roughly equal , dealers in the foreign exchange market will be able to balance their books at a forward rate that is equal to the expected future spot rate .
29 I wanted to help these women to ‘ find a voice ’ and no longer to place their needs at the bottom of the list of priorities .
30 Remember that most people tend to drop their voices at the end of a sentence .
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