Example sentences of "[to-vb] change [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Partnerships need guidance and support to help those involved to continually reflect on previous learning and to plan change on the basis of this reflection .
2 Both heat-styling and perming modify part of the hair structure to induce change in the shape of the hair and how it waves or curls .
3 The counties , notoriously reluctant to embrace change in the past , will have to weigh the advantage of more rest for players with the financial losses arising from a smaller programme .
4 First , it was particularly interesting to find changes in the IMHV after passive avoidance training because Gabriel Horn had already been able to identify this as a key brain region for imprinting .
5 His theory is therefore more able to explain change , and even to initiate change through the understanding which it gives .
6 Even so , there will still be a finite contribution of the NMDA receptor system to low frequency synaptic transmission ; however , this is not sufficient ( under normal circumstances ) to initiate changes in the efficiency of synaptic transmission .
7 We will continue to resist changes to the Treaty of Rome that would damge British business .
8 It is a sign of the young fans commitment to their side 's cause , and also an attempt to resist changes in the organisation of football .
9 Firstly , we now recognise that it is possible , in certain circumstances , for the activities of NBFIs to cause changes in the size of the money stock .
10 What factors would we expect to cause changes in the supply and demand for bills ?
11 A description of the computerised image-processing system created by the VASARI project , housed in the Gallery , is followed by an article on the fading of the pigment Prussian blue and the ability of VASARI to detect changes in the surface colour of paintings .
12 Experience suggests that this may not be long enough to detect changes in the baby 's symptoms — although some babies recover within 24 hours of the mother eliminating offending foods from her diet , others can take many days , sometimes as much as two weeks , for their colic to settle down .
13 It can also be adapted to reflect changes in the organisation and ‘ readily adapted ’ , if the relations have been normalised ( because normalisation leads to a much more flexible model ) .
14 It is proposed to extend the circumstances in which the price and number of shares under the British Gas Sharesave Scheme may be adjusted to include an ‘ open offer ’ ( an offer to shareholders similar to a rights issue ) or any other variation of share capital which the Inland Revenue accepts as sufficient ground for such an adjustment and at the same time to allow for adjustments to reflect changes in the class of shares , or the rights attaching to shares , under option .
15 In addition a ‘ terminal ’ bonus may be payable when a policy becomes a claim by death or maturity ; the level of this bonus may be reviewed at any time without notice to reflect changes in the value of the assets of the life fund .
16 The amount attributed to equity shares or warrants should not be subsequently adjusted to reflect changes in the value of the shares or warrants .
17 In today 's Financial Times Mr Hurd says Britain would attend any conference to discuss changes in the Treaty of Rome and added : ‘ The empty chair is not a British concept . ’
18 Most dealers , including Lancaster Garages , which has showrooms in Colchester and Ipswich , welcomed the Chancellor 's decision to announce changes to the company car tax system a year in advance .
19 If Bartlett 's ( 1932 ) original view is correct we ought to expect changes in the pattern of recall of events .
20 These major companies are very stable , with an organisational structure which has been developed over many years and , like the Japanese Zaibatsu , they have a large-core business which is able to withstand changes in the market place .
21 Children get a lot out of them , much younger I think than most people assume , but I would also like to see changes in the organization of work for both men and women to make possible much more flexibility .
22 The ISE at the time of writing is attempting to implement changes in the way in which shares are floated .
23 Provision is made for a follow- up survey to monitor changes during the period of the project .
24 Its purpose then was to monitor changes in the environment worldwide , and engender popular environmental practices .
25 ‘ Now we are looking to carry changes into the rest of the factory ’ , Tricia said .
26 If they are not , Mrs Thatcher will either have to reconsider her faith in the private sector always to do what she deems to be the right thing , or she will have to promote changes in the way in which the markets go about their business .
27 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
28 It is essential , but not always obvious , that R&D workers should understand what accountants do sufficiently to be able to communicate with them and on occasion to negotiate change in the detail of how they do it .
29 If BL , with its strong union presence , is prepared to negotiate changes in the work organisation of maintenance when microelectronics-controlled machinery is first installed , and management makes some headway in breaking down the traditional craft structure , then presumably substantial changes are on their way in other companies .
30 Of course , the constant updating system will mean these errors can still be corrected later , but it is obviously desirable that the updating system should be used to incorporate changes in the language rather than to correct editorial mistakes .
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