Example sentences of "[to-vb] at the [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Alexei never rode near enough to talk , but sometimes Burun dropped back and discussed the people Rostov was likely to meet at the Kha-Khan 's court .
2 Particularly when Fergie — to the astonishment and great displeasure of Buckingham Palace staff — arranged for him to dine at the Queen 's official London residence with the Iraqi oil minister .
3 The Contraalmirante had invited her to dine at the C-in-C 's residence .
4 No one was available to comment at the promoter 's office yesterday .
5 The statue , by Philip Jackson , vice-president of the Royal Society of British Sculptors , is to stand at the museum 's entrance gates .
6 In 1859 he passed the examination for entry into the Irish constabulary as an officer cadet and went to Dublin to train at the force 's depot in Phoenix Park .
7 A 100-strong team of scientists has been picked to work at the company 's laboratories at Caswell , Towcester , producing the first 3 inch diameter GaAs wafers in the UK .
8 A hundred and thirty staff at a factory destroyed by fire have volunteered to work at the company 's plant in France .
9 ISO has three detector systems for astronomers to position at the telescope 's focus to investigate different aspects of infrared sources .
10 Providing a nostalgic look back to the days of World War One were the Great War Combat Team , who were ideally suited to this venue , flying three SE.5a replicas , Fokker D.VII G-BBFPL , Fokker Triplane N152JS along with Robin Bowes ‘ guesting ’ in Fokker Triplane G-ATJM , the latter failing to sell at the Onslow 's Auction that was held at Rendcomb on the same day ( see page 30 ) .
11 In fact , everybody seemed to be busy finding some job to help with the war effort , except Mum who continued to clean at the Gingold 's chip shop .
12 I would suggest that care should be taken to talk at the client 's level — including use of the client 's terminology .
13 How could he be so offensive as to stare at the chap 's disfigured face , he wondered .
14 Before going on to look at the Government 's proposals in detail , we want to underline our serious concern over the threat to strategic minerals planning associated with the proposed reorganisation of local government in Wales .
15 Having examined the income and retained earnings statements of the firm , the final way to look at the firm 's financial structure is to examine its balance sheet .
16 It is often necessary to look at the water 's surface and try to visualise exactly what is happening beneath it — to imagine the fish in their own world and how best it might be to get a bait to them .
17 Leave five minutes before each interview to look at the candidate 's application form/letter , and any particular questions noted down while first reading it .
18 ‘ If such plans develop , we will need to look at the company 's existing share structure and a 1-for-1 capitalisation issue would seem appropriate . ’
19 It is not enough to look at the company 's accounts : the nature of the market , the stance of competitors , likely technological changes have all to be considered .
20 I had only to look at the farmer 's face to know that the cow was worse .
21 The Court of Appeal held that the ordinary rules of construction require the court to look at the section 's words and to give them their plain and natural meaning .
22 ‘ Club directors are laymen and not football experts , which is why Liam has been asked to look at the team 's problems and advise us about what he is going to do about them .
23 For a few moments he was content to look at the maid 's face and the way the orange firelight lent it strength and mystery .
24 This allows the artist to look at the manager 's books , with reasonable notice .
25 A crude but effective method is to look at the rider 's backside and pick a horse with one to match !
26 See more of this beautiful country estate and its wildlife on a Ranger-guided walk , or learn to ride at the Earl 's former stud stables .
27 Alec Stewart ran himself out as he tried for a sharp single to cover and found Atherton unwilling to budge at the non-striker 's end .
28 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
29 During the Saturday morning rehearsal , with Beecham conducting the Vancouver Symphony , the players arranged in tiers from the podium to the back of the stage , a disquieting incident occurred : in the midst of a quiet passage in a Mozart divertimento the tympany player , one George W. Ball , accidentally dropped the cymbal , which rolled down with clanging crashes to rest at the conductor 's feet .
30 A Boeing 707 belonging to the Colombian national airline Avianca crashed on Long Island , New York , on Jan. 25 , during a second attempt to land at the city 's John F. Kennedy airport , causing the death of 67 people and injuring some 80 of the remaining 91 people on board .
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