Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adv] one [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His failure to accept at least one gilt-edged chance when he was finally awarded his sixth cap against Norway last month , may also count against Wright when England manager Graham Taylor picks his squad on Thursday for the next World Cup qualifier against Turkey on November 18 .
2 It is generally possible to isolate at least one compelling selling feature even if it is only that your client 's product is the cheapest .
3 Under the Parent 's charter , all schools will have to provide at least one written report on the progress of each child each year .
4 If we were to purchase the Sharp machine we would require to purchase at least one other lens , and probably two , which would require additional operator work and still not provide the flexibility of the zoom lens facility .
5 It 's your plan to play at least one local release every hour that 's causing the real excitement , ’ Luke went on .
6 Even so , you are advised to leave at least one clear day between the flight and an important business meeting .
7 It is therefore advisable to give at least one annual spring treatment to all stock prior to moving to new pastures .
8 The second is that drivers like to retain at least one common link with those fans who do n't have private jets , Boss jeans , impossibly lithe blondes etc .
9 The party expects its young hopefuls to fight at least one unwinnable seat in a rotting inner city or municipal wilderness before letting them have a crack at a seat in the safe suburbs .
10 The CEGB already has one nuclear power station at Sizewell , as well as planning permission to build at least one more .
11 Our President wishes divisions to hold at least one practical demonstration each year , with members of kindred organisations , ( funeral directors , doctors , nurses etc. ) being invited to attend .
12 Pakistani Foreign Affairs Secretary Shahryar Khan was quoted by the Washington Post of Feb. 7 as saying that Pakistan had the components and expertise to assemble at least one nuclear explosive device .
13 To capture the social aspects of deixis , we would need to add at least one further dimension , say of relative rank , in which the speaker is socially higher , lower or equal to the addressee and other persons that might be referred to .
14 Since large establishments are more likely to have at least one temporary worker than small establishments ( i.e. to be " users " ) , we broke down our results according to establishment size where we thought this to be relevant .
15 ( 2 ) To have at least one mobile force thoroughly familiar with these districts and available for immediate reaction to terrorist moves .
16 In any event , you will need to have at least one independent judge who is unconnected with either the company or the publication .
17 At many clubs it is compulsory for everyone to have at least one dual flight at the beginning of the season before flying solo again .
18 I have been unemployed for seven months now and all the people I meet in the Job Club seem to have at least one bad experience of these so-called training schemes .
19 Insufficient capital was raised for the project , which proved abortive ; yet TANU leaders remained determined to have at least one daily paper , and preferably two : one in English and one in Swahili .
20 Throughout the study subjects were asked to complete at least one seven point home blood glucose monitoring profile a week and to collect a series of capillary blood samples simultaneously with the home monitoring profile at least once a fortnight .
21 " We should aim to raise at least one million pounds a year " , he said .
22 If you ca n't , then try , several times if necessary , to make file duplicates using the COPY command 's facility to rename a file whilst copying , such as COPY FILE.BA1 FILE.BA2 , to try to get at least one successful read on the lower capacity drive .
23 The objective should be to get at least one overseas visitor from each Overseas Group into each of the eight Regions within any two year period .
24 This line of thinking , however , seems to me to miss at least one major point .
25 This is equally true for the government of Ethiopia 's attempt to move at least one million people , frequently by force , from the northern districts to the west of the country between 1985 and 1987 .
26 As far as minimum requirements go , you will need to take at least one blank video cassette with you .
27 It 's important to make at least one other visit , at a different time of day , before you make an offer .
28 Helen says she 'd like to go back into space , if that does n't happen she 'll be happy to achieve at least one other mission : to encouraged more young people to take up science .
29 They must be able to show measurable improvements in the quality of their services over the past two years , and customer satisfaction , and they must have in hand or plan to introduce at least one innovative enhancement to their services which entails no additional cost to the taxpayer or consumer .
30 You will see that we intend sending a leaflet to each member with the summer edition of Rural Wales , with the plea that they use it to recruit at least one new member .
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