Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adv] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 - Nigel Lawson , Chancellor of the Exchequer ‘ Politicians are poor prophets , but the unlucky creatures have to try , because we are elected to look at least some distance ahead . ’
2 I appeal to the Minister to give at least some consideration to how far the environmental statement should come from a neutral source rather than from the promoters .
3 If the narrative of the drama continues from one day to the next , it makes sense to do at least some drama in the classroom most days .
4 He suggested that maybe the electrons were not able to orbit at just any distance from the central nucleus but only at certain specified distances .
5 In particular , given the ambiguity of economic analysis , policy has to identify rules or presumptions to indicate the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable market conduct and structure , but it has to offer at least some scope for the parties involved in such cases to argue countervailing efficiency benefits .
6 Now all the larger ones were beginning to have at least some capacity of this kind .
7 In a development that is expected to have at least some impact on the current jockeying for positions between the Unix factions , a 200-person UK software engineering firm , Praxis Systems plc , Bath , has now completed an evaluation ANDF installer for the Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc , which it says , ‘ exceeded the original performance targets . ’
8 Mr. Thomas Graham ( Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ) : The new clause offers Scottish people the opportunity to have at least some confidence in the Government 's attitude to the privatisation of the bus service .
9 He knew enough psychology to have at least some insight into what those early shaming and terrifying experiences had done to her .
10 It seems very likely that although there seems to be little in the idea of subliminal advertising , it is quite possible for a familiar ad for a familiar product to have at least some effect of reinforcing a favourable attitude without , to all intents and purposes , being consciously noted by the consumer at all .
11 Rather than suggesting a different incentive system , which would enable the agency to maintain at least some timber harvesting in many of the forests on the list , the agency is deliberately limiting its options .
12 Therefore it should be possible to measure at least this part of the process by carrying out research into people 's recall of ads .
13 Yesterday , Det Supt Keith Readman revealed police will have to wait at least another month to interview 24-year-old Pringle , of Thirlmere Road , Darlington , who needs further surgery .
14 Yesterday Det Supt Keith Readman , head of Durham South CID , revealed police will have to wait at least another month to interview 24-year-old Pringle , of Thirlmere Road , Darlington .
15 Despite the power of Barro 's ‘ equivalence theorem ’ , it seems reasonable to acknowledge at least some role for government bonds in the definition of NW in addition to fiat money .
16 The point I keep making is that in a press release they ought to include at least enough information briefly so that whoever 's reading it can pick up the angle or the possible use .
17 In Gillick terms , the ability to make an informed request assumes the child to be old enough to make at least that decision for himself .
18 A conciliatory statement by Eisenhower on 20 January 1960 ( which may in itself have given the Soviet leadership the impression that a little meddling in Cuba would not incur serious repercussions ) was vociferously denounced by the PSP , creating an additional source of pressure on the Kremlin to make at least some show of solidarity with Castro 's ‘ small country struggling alone ’ .
19 Even in the absence of information about place and time of original utterance , even in the absence of information about the speaker / writer and his intended recipient , it is often possible to reconstruct at least some part of the physical context and to arrive at some interpretation of the text .
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