Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 They only had to wince at the racket for 20 minutes or so .
2 Luciano Pavarotti took a night off from his sell-out performances of Tosca at Covent Garden last month to appear at a Masterclass for four up and coming young singers .
3 Sometimes she dared to wonder at the causes for this way of life , for she could see that it did not represent a normal attitude towards society , though it was so deeply bred in her that all aberrations from it were for the rest of her life to seem to her perverse : but when , occasionally , she glimpsed some faint light of causation , she recoiled from it and shut her eyes in horror , preferring the darkness to such bitter illumination .
4 The wires of the fence were eventually replaced with mesh , and Halima having tried once , and finding that her leg did not go through , ceased to paw at the fence for oats .
5 Nell continued to stare at the sea for a very long time .
6 She would have been quite content simply to stare at the house for hours , and she was still sitting there when Alain opened her door and bent to look in at her .
7 If in doubt , it might be as well to look at a pattern for fabric or to measure the amount of depth on a hemline that is already a favourite .
8 He added : ‘ You only have to look at the figures for fire deaths in hotels to see this is not a problem .
9 So I 'm , I 'm just trying to look at the ones for and then we 'll go from there .
10 I should however indicate that to understand properly what is the appropriate position for an inset boundary , I have to look at the reasons for there being an inset at all for the village , as , as you correctly indicate , it lies plainly otherwise within the general extent of the greenbelt .
11 Er to look at the budget for ninety four to ninety five in ranges of seventy two million to seventy three point three .
12 A working party is to look at the provision for 16-plus age groups with special needs .
13 A chance visit to Blackwardine caused him to look at the map for features of interest .
14 I do n't even need to look at the drawing for this
15 Our first step is to look at the context for the debate about age discrimination at work ; in particular , the growth of retirement in general and early retirement more specifically .
16 Its brief , according to a resolution unanimously agreed at the UN Security Council on March 17 , was to look at the requirements for a future peacekeeping operation and to create " mechanisms to ensure humanitarian aid can get through unhindered " .
17 I know you have to come in anyway , to look at the disks for our new program . ’
18 If , for lack of a formula , British ministries ( and no doubt ministries elsewhere ) are unable to price the amenity value of landscapes threatened by development , how on earth would any government — or , more probably a conference of governments — be able to arrive at a system for pricing the air ?
19 It is the task in front of humanity to arrive at a definition for all controversial acts and to set a value on them ; acts decided as ‘ good ’ contributing to the Godhead , acts decided as ‘ evil ’ detracting there from , and acts of an innocuous nature as ‘ neutral ’ — , and having no effect .
20 Since the discourse analyst , like the hearer , has no direct access to a speaker 's intended meaning in producing an utterance , he often has to rely on a process of inference to arrive at an interpretation for utterances or for the connections between utterances .
21 After the death of his father , Tennyson and his family continued to live at the rectory for a further six years .
22 Accordingly , he suggested separate facilities at each exchange for dealing with juveniles ; notices with information about the exchanges were to be displayed in schools ; lists of prospective school-leavers to be sent to the local exchange with details of their ‘ ability , tastes and desires ’ ; and each school-leaver to be told to call at the exchange for an interview .
23 He returned to teaching in Catholic schools , being chosen as the first African to teach at a seminary for future priests near Elmina .
24 It is clear that , despite the clamour for his resignation , Mr Lamont is hoping to stay at the Treasury for longer than most pundits would have thought possible last year .
25 Firefighters expect to stay at the scene for at least the rest of the day — the strain of working amoung the debris under which two of their friends died shows only too clear to see .
26 He expects to stay at the hotel for some years to come to oversee operations .
27 In return , the Hendersons agreed to open the new ‘ Laura Ashley ’ shop and Bernard and Laura went to stay at the Embassy for the occasion , sleeping in what had become known as the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ room at the Embassy .
28 Police believe she will need to stay at the hospital for at least another week .
29 Bathsheba had planned to stay at the party for only an hour , and she was in fact preparing to leave when Boldwood found her alone in an upstairs room .
30 Tony Thomas , the BRM Trustee told SRN that this 4-6-0 is to remain at the museum for the foreseeable future .
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