Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In planning ward staffing , the ward manager should start with a clear view of the number of staff she is likely to require at various times of the day .
2 It was agreed at the Hague to enlarge the Community to include Britain and others , to finance CAP by giving the EC its own resources and to look at new areas of co-operation in the economic and political fields .
3 Miller asset is to look at new ways of tackling formation damage problems in wells — thanks to BP Exploration 's first Well Productivity Awareness School .
4 Council officers have been instructed to look at new ways of increasing access to town for disabled motorists .
5 or where the advanced society shows signs of vulnerability in its central value-system , pluralist methods may fail to fully explain persistent conflict because of their limited assumptions of causality and , in particular , because of their unwillingness to look at other manifestations of power in society .
6 These factors take us beyond the study of language , in a narrow sense , and force us to look at other areas of inquiry — the mind , the body , society , the physical world — in fact , at everything .
7 However , with Sun and other compatible players moving into the Sparc SMP market , which Solbourne has had more or less to itself for some time , the company is being forced to look at other ways of differentiating its products .
8 Whatever evidence the IAAF officials discovered in the laboratory , one only needed to look at recent pictures of Johnson , in which he resembled an inflated balloon , to guess that his improved times showed he 'd been sucked back into the drug culture .
9 PRESSURE is mounting on the Government to look at alternative means of toughening the law on Scotland 's knife thugs after it emerged that urgently-awaited legislation has been edged out of the parliamentary timetable .
10 If , however , local authorities are going to continue to be responsible for personal social services , then they need to look at alternative methods of service organisation and delivery .
11 We encouraged group members to look at alternative ways of dealing with feelings , such as talking to a friend , crying , shouting and asserting themselves .
12 It may be necessary to get the individual to look at alternative ways of approaching and coping with the circumstances of life without work , perhaps trying to ‘ wipe the slate clean ’ and start the process all over again , but with an increased awareness of the problems and difficulties that are involved .
13 Once that happens council officers would then be able to look at specific ways of reducing the risk of accidents in Darlington and help make the borough a safer place .
14 A class doing a study on " water " , for instance , might need to give some attention to the history of water supplies in their area , or to look at past epidemics of cholera and typhoid , to prove that clean water is vital for good health .
15 Normally we need to look at large numbers of objects ( tens , or perhaps hundreds ) : the analytical technique must therefore give results in a reasonable amount of time per sample and cope with large numbers of objects .
16 To look at large numbers of photographs of him , most of them unposed , is revealing : his eyes are always concentrating on someone or something , never bored or inattentively gazing .
17 Each came separately to look at particular aspects of the collections and the project , then there were several group sessions .
18 The governing body will almost certainly need to set up sub-committees or working groups to look at different aspects of the school 's development .
19 Lazarus ( 1976 ) coined the phrase multi-modal assessment , encouraging the interviewer to look at different aspects of the presenting problem .
20 A commonsense method of finding out about elites in politics might be to look at formal membership of political institutions and of social or economic organisations known to be active in politics .
21 We asked people ‘ Do you meet a broad range of other people in your daily life ? ’ erm ‘ Do you feel that your time is structured , that you have erm things to do at different times of the day ? ’ and so on .
22 The only proper way to arrive at sustainable definitions of good educational practice is by sharing and analysing ideas and values , marshalling and examining evidence , and applying both processes to the task of formulating principles .
23 John Rawls , in A Theory of Justice , seeks to arrive at abstract principles of justice by means of a device which strips the procedure of arriving at principles bare of all reference to the particular and concrete .
24 Coen and Hickman dispense with the common practice of linking changes in NAIRU with changes in the natural unemployment rate , preferring instead to rely on demographic and other data to arrive at direct estimates of the natural rate , estimates which do not take as their reference point the behaviour of the rate of inflation .
25 Even if the outcomes remain at the level of measurable behaviour the possibilities for partners to arrive at different interpretations of what has been ‘ agreed ’ are considerable .
26 It is the small local business , as in the examples above of builders , carpenters and glaziers , who are most likely to balk at long-term clearance of a debt .
27 In this chapter we have been concerned with interpreting patterns of variation in speech communities with reference to the norms that can be shown to exist at varying levels of abstraction and generality .
28 We suggest you find out where your newly-acquired friends and acquaintances tend to gather at different times of the day .
29 Market gardeners often use artificial light and dark cloths to adjust the length of the night and so persuade plants to flower at unnatural times of the year .
30 In the past , according to Mackenzie , they used to sit at opposite ends of the site firing off hostile letters to each other .
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