Example sentences of "[to-vb] at [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surprised that he had even told anyone , let alone complimented her in her absence , Ellie looked at him in astonishment — which was a waste of time , because he had found something quite riveting to stare at in the fireplace .
2 ‘ Mr Nichol has a lot of knowledge in the fields of mental health and this is one area we have wanted to look at for a while . ’
3 That 's probably all we would want to look at for the time being .
4 This is a steep climb , but there are several things to look at on the way — plenty of excuses to stop and catch your breath !
5 ‘ Aye , ’ I nodded slowly , hoping to content her with this , then looked away and up to one side as though I had just found something very interesting and important to look at on the ceiling .
6 I mean the furore about actually leasing trains has taken several years to develop erm And you just have to look at at the moment now and he does n't know if he 's sinking or swimming basically .
7 And erm I think it 's erm an , an issue for us to look at as a management team , whether we actually give it an even , even greater weighting
8 In all In in all fairness they 're not in my opinion , not exactly the greatest thing to look at in the country are they ?
9 There was not much else to look at in the room .
10 Erm by including conversions this time round I do n't see there 's any particular difference , we are giving the district a global figure for their districts , which they will then need to look at in the light of local circumstances .
11 Most of the functions you need are easy to get at via the toolbar at the top of the screen , including Open , Save and Print commands .
12 They said , ‘ Yes , we know that , but it 's easier to get at from the front . ’
13 A weekly routine of inspection has to begin at about the end of February .
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