Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the ‘ twenties the list of protected birds was small and this gentleman , Mr. Thomas , did quite a trade in song-birds which he used to catch on the downs around the city .
2 Since all foreign relief organizations dealt with Pomgol and with Eiduk as chief plenipotentiary , subsequent non-Russian scholars have tended to over-concentrate on the workings of Pomgol and its guberniia equivalents .
3 Lucky Rob had all criminal charges dropped , but only on the condition that he put in two years ' community service , visiting schools to lecture on the dangers of drugs , talking to juvenile delinquents and visiting prisons in his home town of Drayton , Ohio .
4 Oswiu seems to have taken them by surprise and brought them to bay on the banks of the River Winwaed , now swollen by autumnal rains , and probably to be identified with the River Went , a tributary of the Don .
5 Connon now brought his full attention to bear on the objects before him .
6 The ego tries to bring the perception of reality , the external world , to bear on the impulses of the id , which seek pleasure , without regard to the external reality in which the organism is placed .
7 The same logic can be brought to bear on the cases in which individuals co-operate .
8 It was also brought to bear on the disputes between the textile mill-owners and labourers in Ahmedabad , and involved a strike by the workers .
9 Clonal senescence has been thought to bear on the mechanisms of ageing in Metazoan individuals .
10 The re-emergence of feminism , which began as a flash of vision , and continued with an examination of the evils and gross distortions of patriarchy , and led to a whole variety of campaigns on behalf of women , now needs to concentrate on the differences between us as women which have divided us under patriarchy and which can not be allowed to divide us as feminists .
11 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
12 This has allowed us to concentrate on the problems of running an established business .
13 There are professional carers as well of course , who are paid to care for other people , but this discussion is probably going to concentrate on the problems of home carers .
14 The economic recession of the late 1970s has meant not only that government funds have become even more scarce for such policies but also that government and public concern has shifted away from issues of inequality to concentrate on the problems of productivity and economic growth .
15 She lay watching his face as he tried to concentrate on the complexities of the novel .
16 It is therefore more constructive to concentrate on the needs of the designer , than on the individual process elements involved .
17 There was increased pressure on organisations like the Workers ' Education Association to concentrate on the needs of the working class .
18 ‘ We want him to be able to concentrate on the Tests from here on . ’
19 A little unsteadily I wandered away to the library , but I found it difficult to concentrate on the uses of the Russian Imperfective .
20 I want you to think of yourself as the driver of the car and to concentrate on the kinds of things you are normally aware of when you are driving .
21 Sabine tried to concentrate on the intricacies of the unfamiliar service , but all she could think of was Rohan .
22 Silayev gave as his reason his wish to be able to concentrate on the responsibilities of establishing the Inter-republican Economic Committee [ see above ] and chairing the interim Committee for Management of the National Economy .
23 Nineteenth-century linguistics was mainly interested in the ways in which languages change across the ages ; modern ‘ structural ’ linguistics prefers , in contrast , to concentrate on the ways in which they function for purposes of communication .
24 My scope here is necessarily limited , and I propose to concentrate on the relationships between the political parties and the social collectivities which have furnished their support blocs .
25 The new company will handle the areas of agrochemicals , seeds , public health , pharmaceuticals , specialties , materials and industrial chemicals , leaving ICI Duperial to concentrate on the fields of films , polyethylene , wine chemicals , general chemicals and sporting ammunition .
26 In the home computer market speech synthesis is generally used to enhance games ; scores are read out and warnings of enemy attack can be given verbally leaving the player free to concentrate on the tactics of the game .
27 God damn Humber , I thought , and got up to write on the charts on the bed-table .
28 When the UKCC announced its proposals for community nursing , Professional Nurse congratulated Council on its approach , which looked set to unite community nursing and pave the way for an improved service for patients , and also for giving nurses the opportunity to comment on the proposals in true democratic fashion .
29 BSkyB was unavailable to comment on the ramifications of the BBC withdrawal or on the launch of what is effectively a competitive channel to its own .
30 My hon. Friend will appreciate that , as the proposals could come before my right hon. Friend either through the exercise of that power or , should the county councils refuse the application the National Rivers Authority , it would not be appropriate to comment on the merits of the proposals .
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