Example sentences of "[to-vb] on that [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want to comment on that Mr or not ?
2 Please let me know if you are n't able to come on that day because the security at the Palace of Westminster is very sensitive and if we do n't turn up with the right number of people we could be in trouble !
3 And they would have barriers going out so that they could so that the gentry could go out to stand on that ladies and men .
4 To reflect on that match and to look forward to the Oxfordshire Cup Final between Henley and Oxford , Adam Hollingworth is joined by Ray Tapper , the Oxford coach , and Nigel Dudding , the Henley club captain .
5 ‘ I defy anyone to put on that make-up and not feel old , ’ Dustin explained .
6 Whether they wanted to go on that job or not ?
7 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
8 Sex was the second principal category covered by the code — this is what it had to say on that subject as well as Vulgarity , Obscenity , profanity , Costume and Dances :
9 Having regard to the fact that Parliament has not abolished the privilege against self-incrimination Mr. Tully would be entitled to rely on that privilege if but only if and so far as compliance with the order of Buckley J. would provide evidence against him in a criminal trial .
10 Annunciata , coming in singing with coffee , was reprimanded for causing a headache to begin on that instant and Wilson could not help feeling triumphant .
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