Example sentences of "[to-vb] on the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the ‘ twenties the list of protected birds was small and this gentleman , Mr. Thomas , did quite a trade in song-birds which he used to catch on the downs around the city .
2 Perkin took Mackie to shuffle on the square of dance floor adjoining the table .
3 Since all foreign relief organizations dealt with Pomgol and with Eiduk as chief plenipotentiary , subsequent non-Russian scholars have tended to over-concentrate on the workings of Pomgol and its guberniia equivalents .
4 Shortly after the Berlin Wall came down , a leading East German art historian , well known for her extensive work on Socialist Realist painting , was invited to lecture on the subject at a West German institute .
5 Lucky Rob had all criminal charges dropped , but only on the condition that he put in two years ' community service , visiting schools to lecture on the dangers of drugs , talking to juvenile delinquents and visiting prisons in his home town of Drayton , Ohio .
6 Famous hunters such as F. C. Selous returned home to lecture on the value of big-game hunting as a means of training the next generation of empire-builders .
7 MERCHANDISERS were quick to jump on the popularity of Home Alone 2 .
8 There was no attempt to jump on the bandwagon of the more flamboyant recruitment advertisements for commission paid saleswork , for example : " I 'm Martin .
9 Competitors are certain to jump on the bandwagon with rival systems and Nimslo 's much-vaunted patents could be unable to stop them .
10 By the time the two sides prepared to meet on the field of Gettysburg , Llewellyn had risen to be the aide-de-camp to General Robert E. Lee the Confederate commander .
11 They can do if they want or they can progress onto other rooms to get time back that way , but anyway , ca n't you ? we have er a target to meet on the programme of X percentage time and they will meet that far Wednesday afternoon so we have n't continued and shown
12 Oswiu seems to have taken them by surprise and brought them to bay on the banks of the River Winwaed , now swollen by autumnal rains , and probably to be identified with the River Went , a tributary of the Don .
13 To understand what the issue is really about , we must look more carefully at the premises they bring to bear on the discussion of reduction ; for this debate functions as a strait-jacket , stifling the very assumptions and aspirations which lie at the heart of the dispute .
14 LETTERS then is a ‘ 2nd cycle ’ isomorphic with the ‘ lst ’ ’ , a recycling of Barth 's earlier characters whose destinies are expanded and brought to bear on the America of the late 1960s ( Barth 1980a : 656 ) .
15 Fundamental work , in welfare economics and philosophical ethics , will be needed to bring these tools to bear on the problem of global warming .
16 Sub-texts such as censorship , propaganda , patronage of book and manuscript production and the Vatican as publishers are brought to bear on the choice of objects .
17 The harsh treatment of this attitude , as experienced by the mother in the play could be interpreted two ways : either as evidence of the pressure brought to bear on the parent by outside forces , even family ; or as a positive sign that the mother 's position was wrong fundamentally .
18 It took some years for a lobby to emerge , strong enough to bring pressure to bear on the scandal of the continuing presence of the nineteenth-century slums .
19 The evolution of Swedish collective bargaining into a system of economy-wide agreements was greatly dependent upon the presence on both the employer and employee sides of a small number of organisations ‘ each large enough to bring crucial influence to bear on the development of bargaining issues across the whole labour market ’ ( ILO , 1974 , p. 340 ) .
20 The same acute musical intelligence is brought to bear on the rest of the performance : the second movement is a ‘ Dumka ’ which has often received rather heavy-handed treatment in the past .
21 Multiprofessional teams bring a range of educational backgrounds , training and expertise to bear on the management of individual cases , which ensures that care is not dominated by one single professional approach .
22 There are thus three distinct frames of reference which we can bring to bear on the concept of basic or general education : knowledge , culture and student development .
23 The same sort of alternative explanations can also be brought to bear on the variation in educational attainment that is associated with social class , in so far as this is attributable to educational attainment .
24 And you 've also brought your soul to bear on the work of the Board and the work of the church .
25 And , it would not work because the arrangement 2x + y does not provide a means of bringing accountability to bear on the performance of management : for it is highly improbable that a group of people which is primarily a derivative from two opposed and irreconcilable interests can effectively be called to account by either ; and the addition of a third group accountable to no one further confounds the confusion .
26 Connon now brought his full attention to bear on the objects before him .
27 The principal aim of the Juvenile ‘ Rules ’ was to continue ‘ the supervision of the boy or girl , when placed , with a view to his or her further education , both technical and humanistic ’ and to bring to bear on the life of the adolescents ‘ all the influences making for industrial efficiency , for enlightened citizenship and self-realisation ’ .
28 Decisions therefore can be influenced by these active movements , e.g. greens , peace , and feminists , which highlight issues and capture the public 's attention and thus bring pressure to bear on the government during inter-electoral periods .
29 The ego tries to bring the perception of reality , the external world , to bear on the impulses of the id , which seek pleasure , without regard to the external reality in which the organism is placed .
30 The same logic can be brought to bear on the cases in which individuals co-operate .
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