Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 George Saintsbury , Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature at Edinburgh , in his presidential address to the AGM of the Scottish branch in 1907 , emphasized the importance of bringing the influence of the Association to bear on questions of education when they came before the legislature .
2 Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order : recalcitrant strikers faced lockouts .
3 Employers brought maximum pressure to bear on workers in order to restore order : recalcitrant strikers faced lock-outs .
4 The example cited is the impossibility of auditors ' giving an opinion on the code recommendation that non-executive directors are to bring independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy , performance , and so on .
5 He had slept little these past three and a half weeks , often waking of his own accord in the pre-dawn darkness and walking through to his personal study to attempt to concentrate on papers of state .
6 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
7 But others may see his move as evidence of a desire to use the election campaign to concentrate on moves towards reunification with East Germany .
8 Where this is impossible , an alternative approach is to concentrate on studies of variation in breeding success within cohorts but , even here , problems will arise if breeding success is consistently related to longevity .
9 This will permit Burston to concentrate on production of feed for monogastric livestock , pig and poultry .
10 Most attempts at theory and empirical work have , however , tended to concentrate on investment in plant and machinery , particularly in the manufacturing sector .
11 I shall say more of this a little later on , but for now I want to concentrate on aspects of privatisation .
12 Neither party was allowed to comment on matters of regionalism , ethnicity or religions and both were careful not to criticize the current economic austerity programme of the President , Maj.-Gen.
13 It has been the long-standing practice of Leaders of the House not to comment on matters of security within the Palace of Westminster .
14 Volvo has refused to comment on reports of merger talks with Renault .
15 Well do you know , when I met , I , I 'm meeting old chaps through this very excellent marriage agency , I 've never expected any thing like it , they are marvellous , and the sent me a nice old lad , but I knew I was onto a looser when he said , of course I go to my daughter-in-law every Saturday for lunch , she absolutely insists because she says , she wants to make sure that I 'm eating properly , now this is a very healthy old man with a very good income who could afford to buy any food he wants and the fact of the matter is his that he 's son is probably not , he does n't want to upset his old dad , and it 's handy to have him to come on Saturday for lunch and be done with it as it were , but I thought surely Bernard your own sense would tell you that nobody want 's their old father and father-in-law every Saturday of their life , for lunch oh .
16 I can excuse him for yesterday as he had to leave at the start of the second half to appear on Question of Sport : - ) .
17 For our part , we were not prepared to compromise on standards of safety and quality .
18 we wish to appoint several people with outstanding research potential to work on problems in image analysis , particularly pattern recognition in microscopic images , image enhancement and the analysis of spatial data .
19 Yeah , but er , this is usually you 've got to work on top of course you 've got ta
20 With the closure of tram routes in Croydon on 7 April 1951 , the Croydon E/1s were transferred to New Cross depôt , to work on routes in South East London and only the two war casualties 376 and 396 were missing .
21 ‘ I used to work on commercials for funeral parlours , ’ he went on .
22 But in Using a Model for Nursing ( Roper et al , 1983 ) , the third year student nurse contributing to the study in a surgical ward , commented that the model approach helped her to appreciate the need for planned discharge goals ; even when admitting the patient , she was alerted to consider what the patient required to know on discharge in order to resume her usual Activities of Living .
23 Hick comes good to stand on brink of century
24 He contends that economic prosperity has given the voters the opportunity to choose on issues like abortion and the environment .
25 The council received letters from traders complaining of infringements of the Sunday trading legislation by other shops and intimating that the complainants would themselves feel obliged to open on Sundays in order to preserve their trade unless the Act was generally observed .
26 You would be expected to provide the committee with legal advice and to rule on matters of procedure in accordance with the authority 's standing orders .
27 The judge , Mr Justice Auld , had directed that the men had no case to answer on charges of manslaughter or arson .
28 ( 1 ) As he was obliged to do , the charging officer ( at a time when the Director was already interesting herself in the matter ) had told the applicant that he was not obliged to say anything ; yet only two weeks later the Serious Fraud Office was warning the applicant that he was going to be interviewed under compulsory powers ; and it was not much longer still before the office formally put him on notice that he would be asked questions which he would be compelled to answer on pain of punishment .
29 Agencies and landlords are not legally allowed to discriminate on grounds of race but ways are invariably found around this .
30 Secondly , instruments tend to dwell on deficits in performance rather than levels of higher competence .
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