Example sentences of "[to-vb] with me [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He replied on August 15 , suggesting that the SMG 's Balwinder Gill telephone the community liaison officer , adding ‘ should you wish to meet with me in the meantime , again this can be arranged . ’
2 Knowing this to be his likely mood when I brought in the tea yesterday afternoon , and being aware of his general propensity to talk with me in a bantering tone at such moments , it would certainly have been wiser not to have mentioned Miss Kenton at all .
3 Because of a vague feeling of loyalty , a need to repay someone or something who had seemed to walk with me through the burning fiery furnace of my husband 's last illness , I had started now and then to go to church .
4 Then I wished I had asked him to walk with me to the coach , and I could not stop crying .
5 The impact was so great that the effect of it was to remain with me in the months ahead and give me strength when I most needed it .
6 You want to go with me to the , the garage .
7 But what I 'd like you to do is to go with me during the next couple of hours , have an open mind and erm if I say something which is in an in any way provocative , question me if you want to , cos that 's what we 're here for , to communicate .
8 Even the governor comes down to hobnob with me in the cells . "
9 Got sod all to do with me as a S A U.
10 I need you to love me and make me whole , to live with me for the rest of our lives and be the pride of my heart and the mother of my children … ’
11 I was so glad that the ‘ family ’ came to stay with me for a change .
12 He was coming to stay with me for the British Grand Prix in three weeks , ’ said Lord Hesketh , now Government Chief Whip in the House of Lords .
13 Even now , gin with ice cold tonic is the spirit I 'd probably choose to take with me to a desert island just so long as there were plenty of lemon groves to hand on my castaway paradise .
14 I kicked myself all the way back to the hotel for being an arrant coward , and next day persuaded my companion to return with me to the scene of our defeat and try again .
15 I do not know why but that did not seem to register with me at the time , and it did not until there was a third assault on the door .
16 Now here 's the interesting bit , in the next few minutes , I 'll be telling you how you can win the chance to travel with me on an all expenses paid trip .
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