Example sentences of "[to-vb] with the local [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They worked through the night so as to produce a document to deposit with the local planning officer , the library and museum in Totnes .
2 Under section 33 of the Act of 1986 , the governors are required to consult the local education authority annually as to whether the admissions arrangements are satisfactory and also to consult with the local education authority before determining , or varying , any of them .
3 The legal requirement for local government to consult with the local community over spending federal money created a potentially critical role for community groups , and raised the question of their role in the decision making process .
4 Each family doctor practice will be able to discuss with the local Family Practitioner Committee the amount it needs for prescribing for its patients .
5 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
6 She had to be able to liaise with the local authorities , professionals in the social services , and people with specialist knowledge who worked on the Advisory Boards .
7 Would it be possible for any such unit of paid council employees to negotiate with the local state the demands and needs of the oppressed ?
8 It 's easy to see the same thing happening today ; when the United States troops went to Somalia , earlier this year , their officers had hardly anything to do with the local experts , preferring to stick with their prejudices about the lack of intelligence of those whose skins were not the same colour as their own .
9 Joseph Fernandez , the local CIA man , tried not to have too much to do with the local airstrip/farm , once he had helped start it ; but the cover was sometimes blown in definitive fashion .
10 For a number of reasons to do with the local labour market and domestic economies , staff clung to a twelve-hour shift system .
11 In addition it made some recommendations to BRAC , one of which was to encourage BRAC to make a greater effort to cooperate with the local village practitioners .
12 Is it in that child 's interest for it to go home or is it in the child 's interest er for the responsibility to lie with the local authority or the High Court ?
13 Once the London JAC was established , the SCCs were instructed by the LCC to co-operate with the local committees , having as their principal duty the reporting of the economic , social , and educational condition of the school-leavers , while the local JACs were to supervise the conditions of employment , ensuring that they were as favourable as possible for the young people , and that ‘ round ’ children were put into ‘ round holes ’ .
14 Where this did not happen it would be possible for part of the membership of the Exchange Advisory Committees ( provided for in section 2 , subsection v of the Act ) to be co-opted to assist with the local education employment bureaux which were being started in Scotland and in parts of England .
15 We shall continue to confer with the local health authority .
16 The law requires all businesses which create waste to register with the local waste disposal authority ( either a county or metropolitan council ) .
17 At present anyone who is breeding commercially is required to register with the local authority , who send an Environmental Health Officer to check the premises .
18 Reciprocal arrangements with another nurse or friend can work — so long as you are flexible and no money exchanges hands , but if you have a child under five and payment is involved then your ‘ childminder ’ will either have to register with the local authority ( that is if she cares for your child in the minder 's own home ) or be employed as a nanny in yours .
19 The judge , concluding that the court 's paramount consideration on such an application was the children 's welfare , in accordance with section 1(1) of the Act , and that its power to interfere with the local authority 's proposals for the children was not confined to exceptional circumstances , granted the foster mother leave to apply for residence orders in respect of the children .
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