Example sentences of "[to-vb] with all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're extending the plumbing and drainage to incorporate a second bathroom , you may have to notify the water authority in order to comply with all the water regulations .
2 But while dealing with one of their biggest cases , the local branch of the RSPCA has still had to cope with all the day to day demands on their time .
3 She felt jubilant but apprehensive too , how was she going to cope with all the work ?
4 A true performer needs patience to cope with all the waiting in the wings and general hanging about while some director chappie takes his pick of the talent .
5 And if it does happen to you , how are you going to cope with all the household bills , which still have to be paid ?
6 The women , too , had to cope with all the household duties , including feeding men and hired hands with appetites honed by constant fresh air and exercise , with none of the labour-saving aids which most women took for granted .
7 Boris struggled to cope with all the fame and the money after his early success , ‘ I had won Wimbledon twice , the youngest player ever , only I was unhappy , ’ he says .
8 It did not purport to deal with all the subject matter of the field and it was believed that :
9 To add to the senseless tragedy , the Japanese did n't really know what to do with all the dolphin carcasses once they had killed them .
10 Returning to the conversation , over the delicious Peking duck , and fresh cabbage washed down with a splendid Chinese wine , our host argued fervently : ‘ Tractors : do not be silly : what would you expect us to do with all the donkey minders ? ’
11 What is the literary scholar to do with all the information to be found in the concordances and word-lists generated by the new technology ?
12 What was I to do with all the material that I gathered ?
13 ‘ NOW Arthur sends his Eagle to Shaftesbury to share with all the world a Message shaped by the Way of Healing experienced in Avalon and glorified by the Grace of Gaia 's planetary heart ’ — Passage from new book , Spheres of Destiny , The Shaftesbury Prophecy , by Robert Coon , which concludes that Shaftesbury is the energy centre of the Earth .
14 He likes to arrive with all the razzmatazz , while I prefer to slip in the back door quietly .
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