Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The overall guiding role of the party was therefore likely to meet with resistance at some stage and there are signs that this indeed happened increasingly in the post-Stalinist period .
2 There is a clear trend for the number of older people reporting a home visit to increase with age from 18 per cent of those aged 65 — 69 to 62 per cent of those aged 85 + ( Figure 7.11 ) .
3 The thousands of varieties of European shirts may differ in terms of button types and collar lengths , but they remain recognizable as shirts as opposed to garments used in other cultures for an identical functional purpose ; and this is because the manufacturers , as it were , agree to differ with respect to these specific and limited dimensions .
4 More-over , the effects of imitation on performance seem to differ with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities .
5 ‘ I 'd always wanted to work with Mutt Lange ; I 've actually tried to work with Mutt since 1984 , but he was always busy on a project , but he wanted to do it and it was the right time for both of us .
6 It depends upon their conceptions of how they ought , or would be best advised in their own interests , to behave with respect to these top-management definitions of their duties end obligations , their rights and privileges , and their relationships to the material technology , to higher authority , and to each other ’
7 The provisions of this act require a president to consult with congress about any commitment of American troops abroad and oblige him to withdraw those troops within 60 days ( with the possibility of a 30-day extension ) if a declaration of war is not forthcoming from Congress .
8 Agony aunt : able to listen with sincerity to all the moans and groans , confidences and worries of your counterparts .
9 The organised Labour Movement is the force to lead the struggle for democracy and the rights of the individual to participate with equality in public affairs .
10 But the major thrust is identifying factors which are associated with companies decisions to comply or not to comply with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 16 ’ Current Cost Accounting ’ .
11 However , his teacher warned that proficiency in conversational language should not be assumed to equate with proficiency in cognitive or ‘ academic ’ language .
12 Yet Martha was a woman of courage , and she succeeded nobly in satisfying her hungry lodgers with wholesome fare , and spreading for them sheets a prince might fold around him ; and though the body was often weak , the spirit was lively , and soon found a way whereby to mount with ease over any difficulty that might arise in the government of her household or the entertainment of her hospices .
13 I disregard Labour 's attempts to agree with part of this .
14 When parents are so concerned for the children 's safety that they prevent them from exercising choice and making decisions , they are depriving them of the experience they need in order to cope with life as mature adults .
15 She said : ‘ The irony is that people used to think I was terribly strong — particularly after that commercial — but I had never managed to cope with life at all .
16 Anyway , with the enthusiasm of youth I had no doubt that we should be able to cope with life in remote parts for a few years .
17 The single most important pre-adaptation common to these forms is their ability to cope with drought by partial dehydration , and to resume active metabolism quickly on rehydration .
18 But it is questionable whether this is a good way to deal with lack of judicial resources .
19 As we saw in the first chapter , an adult with this sort of emotional history finds it very hard to deal with separation of any sort .
20 Mechanistic systems are unsuitable in conditions of change because they tend to deal with change by cumbersome methods .
21 Nurses are traditionally seen as the ‘ mother ’ ( in the ‘ daddy ’ doctor/ ‘ mother ’ nurse dynamic ) , able to deal with mess of various sorts — mess to be cleaned up , messy feelings and messy situations .
22 And all of them are having to deal with innovation in some way or other .
23 In addition , there are some ideas about further changes that should be made to deal with poverty in old age , which is largely a problem for women .
24 But the difference also reflects the need for autarchy within district management teams in the NHS , which had to deal with uncertainty about patient outcomes within a vague set of government guidelines .
25 The Romans left fewer substantial marks on what they called Caledonia than they did on southern Britain , largely because so many of their attempts to establish regional centres collapsed when they were recalled to deal with unrest in southern Britain , or even back to Continental Europe and to Rome itself .
26 Mail order is suffering from the public 's current reluctance to part with cash for non-essential goods .
27 Mail order is suffering from the public 's current reluctance to part with cash for non-essential goods .
28 ‘ There 's an enormous advertising industry built around shock tactics and high emotions designed to get you to part with cash for various charitable causes .
29 The national crèche scheme , if it is adopted , will aim to support some of the crèches that are hardest to fund with money from other areas .
30 Undeterred by his early disasters , he decided to persevere with photography by first learning as much about it as he possible could .
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