Example sentences of "[to-vb] with [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh they used to come with boxes of jewellery and stuff and thing .
2 Has that come up in your er in your well we were coming back there one night from my aunt 's and er there were quite a lot of policemen about and I was only a little boy , it was before the First World War and my father said to one of these policemen , what 's happening so , oh we had a tip-off he says that er there 's these Whirly Gang folks and in the morning we saw somebody 'd been maimed or killed , but er that was another bit of interesting news around , and I remember down in Caldmore one day there used to be some ladies who used to come from , well they used to be , one of them used to call them the salt ladies , they used to come with blocks of salt on a , on a I think they used to come from and I saw a horse there as a kid and I , it had got a long gash right across its body and I said to this lady I said , what 's happened to this , she said oh the Whirly Gang and er I was in Paris in nineteen twenty two and er we got to this hotel and there was another Englishman on this trip and he said to me he said where do you come from ?
3 This book is not designed to engage with exposition of doctrine though it will inevitably point to its importance ; rather it attempts a mode of appreciation of these texts to help readers , whether or not they have prior knowledge of the subject , to respond to them as literary witnesses to a life of faith understood as a game .
4 You do n't have to engage with questions of gender stereotyping , you just do n't have the presenter there at all !
5 Illness occurs when these pictures are refused the opportunity to conform with pictures of life as it actually is .
6 I 'd like to walk with top of station
7 ( 1 ) The English court 's power to comply with letters of request from a foreign court is to be found in the Act of 1975 and nowhere else .
8 There is no need to take any special measures in order to comply with Law of Property ( Miscellaneous ) Provisions Act 1989 , s2 .
9 To help with consistency of approach paediatricians in each of the nine health districts in Wales were asked to choose one or more of their number to be nominated for this project .
10 The inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia had to contend with variations of climate , scorching winds , torrential rains , and devastating floods over which they had little control .
11 In making manifest to a waiting public the final accomplishment of that ambitious design , Sheriff Irvine Smith has had to contend with vicissitudes of health to which he refers in his Introduction and from which all his many friends are rejoiced to see him recovered .
12 General Accident is supporting this request and have taken the decision to continue with payment of benefit when a claimant attends such a course .
13 , Nepal has announced the launch of a Clean Himalaya Campaign to cope with tons of rubbish left by trekkers and mountaineers .
14 There is provision for overtime to cope with periods of peak demand , but with demand generally static or declining during the early 1980s the need for this has only arisen during periods of particularly hot weather ( beer sales are notoriously weather sensitive ) .
15 I will give you an example of what one might be confronted with in the future from , from a piece from the Environment Committee in the House of Commons ' Report on Coastal Zone Planning and Management and it says here , we fail to see what is impractical about treating the seabed as submerged land an opinion shared by the Royal Town Planning Institute no less and if planning authorities can deal with issues like public rights of way , aggregate extraction multiple use on land , they should be able to cope with rights of navigation and extraction of sea .
16 It has to cope with conflicts of interest when , according to corporatist ideology , there is supposed to be a single , overriding common interest expressing collective goals .
17 The main disadvantages are the cost of HEP projects and the fact that generation is dependent upon volume of water available , thus other generating capacity must always be available to cope with times of drought .
18 A sensitivity to this type of variation should contribute towards pupils becoming more tolerant of linguistic diversity , more aware of the richness it can provide and more able to cope with problems of communication .
19 The power of any unit ( position , function , division ) rests on its centrality , its non-substitute-ability and its capacity to cope with situations of uncertainty .
20 Although some of these issues went beyond the main remit of his Inquiry , he drew the conclusion from this basic finding that only a national government-led initiative to deal with problems of policing , unemployment , poor housing , and racial disadvantage could get to the roots of the unrest .
21 and to deal with problems of substance abuse , unemployment , illiteracy , rather than things which are fashionable and to my mind highly like opera and the ballet which is n't to say that I do n't love them both , but I think that you have to have a sense of complete reality about the social issues .
22 For example , it has been criticized for being unable to deal with problems of unemployment , which continued to rise throughout the 1980s .
23 At a Cabinet meeting on March 13 the new Minister of State for Towns , Michel Delebarre , announced measures to deal with problems of deprivation and racial ghettos in urban areas .
24 The second session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law held in 1894 agreed a draft Convention on Civil Procedure which was signed on 14 November 1896 , the first of four Hague Conventions to deal with service of process .
25 In this case the same precautions apply and it is even more important to deal with ownership of copyright otherwise the agency ( as employer ) could turn out to be the ultimate owner of the copyright .
26 ‘ However , I am also aware that considerable counter pollution resources already exist in the Gulf area as a result of existing contingency plans to deal with spillages of oil from tanker casualties and other sources . ’
27 However , the inspectors were not empowered to deal with questions of compensation and other financial matters .
28 It is quite clear that this power available to the courts is essential to deal with contempt of court when it emerges as a result of abuse of trade union power or trade union positions .
29 However , there are signs of change at some levels , because men are now being accepted on to the CARE course , which provides specialist training in how to deal with victims of sex crimes , although this might simply reflect a recognition that an increasing number of victims are young boys .
30 The principal function of the watch was to deal with outbreaks of fire , and to ensure the security of property .
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