Example sentences of "[to-vb] you [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Something hot to set you up for the journey . ’
2 We 'd sure love to put you up for a few days . ’
3 Do n't I get any thanks for offering to put you up for the weekend ? ’
4 Nero sends his luv and wants to put you in for the chariot racing next time .
5 This will give you plenty of vitamins and minerals , to build you up for the elimination diet .
6 We can say we 're going to have to keep you off for a bit longer yet .
7 their , their supply routes are n't as well defined as ours , but they 've got shear weight of numbers , see , I 'm af , I 'm afraid , I could be a fucking karate black belt or something right , so one on one against you I would n't have a problem , but if you went and got fucking thirty of your mates I would have a problem , I maybe able to hold you off for a fucking few minutes or something or if you could either contact , maybe a few months or years or something , but they will win
8 English tourists might like to be reminded that the ghastly visitor centres , the scant toilet facilities and the gruesome catering in the West Highlands of Scotland are there to get you back for the fact you won .
9 Will you ? ’ rather than , ‘ Would you like me to take you out for a run in the car some time ? ’
10 All right then well thank you Simon that 's a broad thank you and and thank you very much for your money as well a hundred and fifty quid he gave that 's loads of dosh er to come in for the day as well and I 'm going to take you out for a a nice lunch in a bit when he can wonder around have a poke around everywhere this afternoon too so should be all right should n't it that ?
11 ‘ I 'll be back in an hour to take you down for a tour of the lodge and to meet Mrs Foster .
12 No , but she wants me to bring you back for a meal .
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