Example sentences of "[to-vb] for [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Many of the children in care were young , and unless positive steps to plan for their future were taken , they would continue like the older children in their sample to wait for lengthy periods in care .
2 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
3 They were repeatedly told he was too busy , and when finally , at the eleventh hour , they were granted a meeting , some sort of communication problem caused Mrs Sue Amphlett and her associate to be sent from one building to another and then to wait for some time in the wrong one , until they had to leave to finish the report in time for the news conference they had called .
4 My family and I had to wait for three weeks in Bombay before getting a boat for England , but during that time I was able to do some useful PR work with newspapers and radio .
5 Captain Mark Phillips had been expected to remain for some time in his cottage on the estate , where he has lived since the marriage broke up three years ago .
6 She had few friends in the locality , preferring to go for long walks in the nearby countryside with the family dog , until , that is , Ronald Travis took up his duties in the signal box .
7 The only concession forced through before the critical days in September was on the tax allowance to foster parents who were now able to claim for any child in their care under the age of sixteen or in full-time education .
8 I left her , and went to search for more information in a different place .
9 Schools will therefore have to plan for possible alterations in price and salary changes throughout the year .
10 The University 's overhauled financial systems allow it to plan for another year in which income and expenditure will at least balance and may perhaps allow some restoration of the reserves it needs to cope with unexpected problems .
11 The fixture was won by Mandale , who had Anthony Borsumato to thank for fine victories in the 400 metres hurdles ( 56.7 secs ) and long jump ( 6.52 metres ) .
12 PHONE bills are set to fall for four years in a row from next August , it was announced yesterday .
13 Efforts were made in late August to arrange for high-level talks in September between the ANC and Inkatha , two weeks of severe township violence in Transvaal having claimed over 500 lives .
14 Maria replied that she was to be allowed to come for two days in the week following her letter .
15 Five years ago I hired an aircraft to tour for two weeks in the USA and was briefed on the possibility of radio thefts and the method used .
16 This requires choosing the time to switch from the near to the next near contract , and how to adjust for any differences in price level between the near and the next near contracts .
17 This is also the venue for the annual Howden Agricultural Show , which every year brings friends and visitors together to revel for two days in the old-fashioned atmosphere of an English country fair .
18 There seems a good chance that a range of hydrocarbons from oil to dry gas could have been generated ( given suitable source material ) from some parts of the Carboniferous sequence after the Variscan orogeny , both in the hanging and footwall ; the range of possible depths is great enough to compensate for anticipated differences in temperature gradient .
19 The Commission proposed retaining the principle of paying farmers direct subsidies to compensate for significant cuts in price support from 1993 to 1996 .
20 Transport workers staged strikes on Jan. 15 and 26 , 1990 , for increased wages to compensate for monthly devaluations in the peso , which had fuelled inflation rises .
21 The lights , which once seemed to be there to compensate for any lackings in the performers ' abilities , are now secondary to the punch of the music .
22 If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate , they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices .
23 National legislation on competition is excluded save that the Commission can , when approving a merger , attach conditions and authorise the member state concerned to apply national legislation to provide for effective competition in the local market .
24 In Sweden secrétaires de commission began to be appointed to some missions in foreign capitals from 1669 onwards , mainly it seems to provide for greater continuity in the event of the death or recall of the head of the mission .
25 So public housing fails to provide for personal mobility in changing relationships , or for different needs that people may have .
26 To provide for any improvements in education or Institute affairs , close liaison and dialogue with the committees , tutors , general membership , educationalists and also kindred associations all of whom are committed towards advancing both the profession of embalming and funeral service .
27 He pledged to work for all sides in the constituency .
28 The court discussed the example of a solicitor 's clerk and said that in such a case it would be improper for him to work for another solicitor in his spare time .
29 Previously she used to work for British Telecom in tele-marketing .
30 Rosenthal has selected just three artists to stand for new developments in the Nineties : Jeff Koons , Robert Gober and Mike Kelly .
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