Example sentences of "[to-vb] his [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was decided to make the raid on Annan Castle the following night ; and the messenger was sent back to inform his fellow-supporters of the attempt , in strictest secrecy .
2 Although God specifically warned Job 's comforters not to postulate his sins as the cause of his sufferings , the Middle Ages preferred , like most ages , to ignore what God said .
3 Dane Jacobsen was one of the best known and most accomplished actors of his generation , so it had been a real coup for the tiny television station to secure his services for a drama serial on the Vikings , to be shot in Cumbria .
4 In a speech on Sept. 27 , he had appeared to encourage his supporters in the teeming shanty town areas of Port-au-Prince to rectify gross social inequalities by rising up and killing their opponents with " necklaces " of flaming tyres , known locally as " Pères Lebruns " after the country 's main tyre importing firm .
5 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
6 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
7 Instead he sent out 12th man Paul Reiffel to cover for him whole he rang chairman of selectors Lawrie Sawle to vent his feelings about the news he had been given that morning .
8 As Cliff Bastin later recalled : ‘ Relations between these two had gradually been becoming more and more strained , until it ultimately came to a point at which the question was which of them would be the first to vent his feelings on the other .
9 Even that great opponent of the industrial system of the nineteenth century Thomas Carlyle ( 1795–1881 ) failed to relate his criticisms to the Christian doctrine that he had abandoned as a young man .
10 The exercise went far to establish his credentials in the right quarters .
11 Voluntary settlements ( in particular family settlements made after marriage ) are set aside by a bankruptcy if made within two years before ; and even if made within ten years before , unless it is shown that at the time the bankrupt was able to meet his liabilities without the settled property .
12 The president is taking the key decision as to whether to increase his forces in the Gulf and to switch from a defensive to an offensive posture .
13 A young man placed himself between the shafts of the trap and prepared to pull his passengers round the village , but not before the publican had been fined a barrel of beer for speaking at the same time as the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ .
14 Until now his ships had been on a southerly course , the weather becoming even colder , the unexpected winds known now as williwaws threatening to dash his vessels against the steep cliffs .
15 The later crimes duplicate those committed by Dyer , who has wished to baptise his churches with the blood of young victims .
16 Waiting in the third round could be fourth seed Boris Becker , who has had a torrid time in the build-up to the French Championships but who has a good chance to find his feet with a first round match against 579th-ranked French wild card Nicolas Escude .
17 The relationships are not always clear , and we must feel the puzzlement of the young child 's attempt to find his bearings in a world of hidden meanings .
18 ‘ Listen ! ’ said the young man named Lawrence suddenly , and checked to strain his ears for the small , recurrent sound that had reached him .
19 It would be far more sensible to concentrate his thoughts on the lovely girl at his side .
20 GARY JACOBS , of Glasgow , the newly-crowned European welterweight champion , yesterday officially relinquished the British title to concentrate his efforts on a planned world challenge early this summer .
21 It is only by being so that he is able to concentrate his efforts on the detailed articulation of the paradigm and to perform the esoteric work necessary to probe nature in depth .
22 There was a growing feeling that the second minister on the Circuit should be free to concentrate his energies on the Edenderry district and that in fact the No 2 Manse should be at should be at this end of the town .
23 At least for the moment , Scapula was able to concentrate his forces on the western frontier , which now extended to the Wye and the Severn .
24 7 ) Why may it be difficult for a supplier to sell his products to a company that makes use of a multi-individual Decision Making Unit to make purchase decisions ?
25 The most important of these will be specified in the Articles of Association , and may well oblige the manager to sell his shares at a price probably less than market value .
26 Asked whether executive chairman De Benedetti would be ready to sell his shares for the sake of the company , Passera pointed out that in the current capital-raising exercise , he is injecting $180m , and has burdened his own company with additional debt to help Olivetti .
27 Since he had no arabition to sell his films in the US , there was no reason why he should be more adventurous .
28 Some might wonder , ’ he grated , ‘ whether Blake will now be able to set his prices at a level low enough to undermine Lynx .
29 His ability to set his lyrics in a kind of monochrome vision , a skill he had n't utilised since ‘ Hatful Of Hollow ’ , was re-used , most welcomely .
30 All Mr Clinton 's talents will be required not merely to stroke his allies in the Capitol 's anterooms , but to keep the country focused on what he is aiming at .
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