Example sentences of "[to-vb] from any [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We should park a little of our funds in those societies either tipped to convert to a public company or ripe for takeover to benefit from any freebies that may be on offer .
2 Now we 're on the talent trail again in the build-up to the grand final in September at Liverpool 's Kiss nightclub , and we want to hear from any pub or club that wants to hold an Echo Karaoke Night .
3 Now we 're on the talent trail again in the build-up to the grand final in September at Liverpool 's Kiss nightclub , and we want to hear from any pub or club that wants to hold an Echo Karaoke Night .
4 Books Tokens is planning a mailing to primary schools in the UK and Ireland in April , and would be interested to hear from any publisher or organisation wishing to reach this market with a view to sharing costs .
5 However , a supply of such posters has proved hard to locate so Trevor would be delighted to hear from any supplier or reader who might be able to suggest a source or help in some way .
6 It 's down to the individual to emerge from any school or so-called school .
7 Such payment , furthermore , is thought not only to detract from any generosity that might otherwise characterize her action , but altogether to cast doubt on her motives and her reliability .
8 Rildia Bee is easy to spot from any distance because she always wears floor-length dresses of silk brocade and a mink stole — which , air-conditioning or otherwise , is not necessarily the obvious choice of outfit in Fort Worth .
9 Example 4:6 Rent geared to subrents receivable YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on 1 January 1 April 1 July and 1 October in each year per cent of the net rents which the tenant is entitled to receive for the whole or any part of the demised property and calculated in accordance with the schedule hereto SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " full rack rental value " means the best rent at which the demised property ( or as the case may be the part of the demised property in question ) might reasonably be expected to be let in the open market by a willing landlord to a willing tenant ( i ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 2 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it is actually occupied ( ii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 3 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) of this lease ( iii ) in the case of property falling within paragraph ( 4 ) below on the terms ( other than as to rent or other pecuniary consideration ) upon which it was last occupied and in any case disregarding the matters set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) of section 34(1) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( as amended ) and on the assumption that the rent so determined will be revised every five years ( b ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or the Association of Certified Accountants ( 2 ) If the tenant lets or permits to be occupied the whole or any part of the demised property in return for any pecuniary consideration other than the full rack rental value thereof as at the date of such letting or permission or in return for no pecuniary consideration then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date of such letting or permission and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 3 ) If the tenant himself occupies the whole or any part of the demised property then he shall be deemed for the purposes of this schedule to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date on which he went into occupation and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 4 ) If the whole or any part of the demised property remains vacant for three months or more then at the expiry of such period of three months the tenant shall until the same is next occupied be deemed to be entitled to receive the full rack rental value thereof determined as at the date upon which the said period expired and redetermined as at every fifth anniversary thereof ( 5 ) The tenant shall one month before the beginning of each quarter ( time being of the essence ) deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant showing a true summary of : ( a ) the gross amount of all rents and licence fees which the tenant is entitled ( or deemed to be entitled ) to receive in respect of the demised property and each part thereof for that quarter and ( b ) the amount of any sum included in ( a ) above which the tenant is entitled to recover from any subtenant or occupier of the whole or any part of the demised property either by way of VAT or by way of service charge in respect of services or works performed or to be performed ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) below the net rents shall be the difference between the two amounts shown in the said certificate ( 7 ) The net rents shall be determined by a single arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors if : ( a ) the tenant fails to deliver a certificate in accordance with paragraph ( 5 ) above ( in which case the tenant shall pay interest on the net rents at the rate of … per cent from the quarter day in question until payment ) or ( b ) any dispute or difference arises between the parties in connection with the calculation of the net rents ( in which case the arbitrator shall determine the amount of interest if any to be paid by the tenant ) ( 8 ) The tenant shall permit the landlord or his agent to inspect and take copies of the tenant 's books or account or any other document or record ( and if necessary the tenant shall procure any computer print-out ) which in the opinion of the landlord or such agent is relevant to the calculation of the net rents and shall bear the costs of such inspection if there shall be any material discrepancy between the certificate delivered by the tenant under paragraph 5 above and the results of such inspection .
10 The rich and any poor ( risk-averse ) non-participants can not expect to gain from any revolution and will be happy to see potential revolutionaries bought off .
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