Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The UK Committee on the Safety of Medicines regularly provides General Practitioners with questionnaires with which to inform it of any irregularities encountered in the use of new , but already licensed , drugs .
2 I want to write it for live musicians of both sexes .
3 Precisely because we are forced , in order to model these relations , into defining design activity as it takes place in its real context — that of the social — and do not attempt to abstract it , to isolate it from these relations , we find we build a model of designing that has surprising efficacy in application to questions of design method .
4 We stayed for one night , there , in quite a luxurious hotel , so there was n't anything extraordinary to grumble about : the worst bit was trying to deal with our luggage — trying to retrieve it from piled-up trollies on the airfield in the heat of the day , etc .
5 Others counselled against introducing a general requirement of this kind , but suggested the Law Society should nevertheless have the power to impose it in appropriate cases .
6 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
7 Syllabic is perhaps the most noticeable example of the English syllabic consonant , though it would be wrong to expect to find it in all accents .
8 Although Pepper v. Hart is the initial formulation of the relaxed exclusionary rule , the ambiguities which it contains and the failure to relate it to other aids to statutory construction are perhaps less deserving of a welcome .
9 He must need to know it for other reasons .
10 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
11 We have to tackle it in two directions , and I think that education is going to be incredibly important in terms of trying to create a more appropriate atmosphere in the colleges , you know , because at the end of the day that 's where people spend an enormous amount of their time .
12 A text description of the item(s) covered by the record should allow the information to be both recorded and retrieved without having to split it between several records .
13 One way to reduce the size of a search tree is to split it into smaller sub-trees representing more manageable sub-problems .
14 But the fact that it is protected by unwritten convention rather than by a legal constitution means that there is no external brake upon Parliament or the courts moving to restrict it in particular ways , as the mood of the times takes them .
15 Eventually the Jesuits were able to persuade the townspeople to rebuild the Gothic tower in Baroque style , but the Jesuits were forbidden to decorate it with Jesuit saints and they were forbidden to enter the tower from the church .
16 When we have a £6 million food and drink deficit , it is no use reducing Scottish production to replace it with cheap imports form eastern Europe .
17 Double-vault composting toilet : If people wish to reuse excreta in their gardens or to sell it to local farmers composting toilets can be built as long as users agree to follow strict rules of maintenance .
18 It was no longer possible for casual thieves to take an animal for their own use , or to sell it for agricultural purposes in a village five or ten kilometres distant .
19 Her daughter , Linda de Roulet , inherited the picture , never thinking to sell it until two events changed her mind .
20 Frederica could , in the Lake District , have seen a " Wordsworthian " tarn and been able to render it in Wordsworthian words , and , because these words were known , tested , thought about , she could have introduced minute changes , have seen one little thing he had n't seen , changed the point of view .
21 An in-depth review of 6,000 of the group 's 11,000 free-trade loans found that on top of £10m to be provided against beer profits , a further £37m was needed to cover it against potential problems on 2,000 accounts .
22 Fig 101 The wind bends at the shoreline in an offshore breeze and tries to cross it at 90 degrees .
23 To help it in these roles it has two seats on Council which is the top executive body of the University .
24 It 's simpler to obtain large amounts of it and one hopes that if one finds out something of the mechanism through this enzyme one would be able to apply it to other enzymes dependent upon the same coenzyme .
25 However , it may also be that if the clause is drawn so widely as to be capable of applying in unreasonable circumstances , or if it purports to exclude a liability which can not be excluded under the Act , the court may find it unreasonable to apply it to other circumstances ( see Walker v Boyle [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 634 ) .
26 In speeches to the Parliamentary Assembly and the Court and Commission of Human Rights on Oct. 8 , 1988 , Pope John Paul II called on the countries of Europe to " remember their common Christian heritage " and to apply it to all aspects of life , particularly to policies governing family life , genetic engineering , education and employment .
27 After the courts ' acceptance of the neighbour principle , there was an increasing tendency to apply it to new areas , heralding a major advance in the recovery of damages for economic loss ( e.g. Hedley Byrne & Co .
28 We will extend compulsory competitive tendering to local authority housing management , and examine how to apply it to white-collar services .
29 Farmers still dilute a concentrated formulation to apply it in 200 litres or more of water per hectare .
30 When a record turns out to be a synonym , there are two alternatives : these are to store the synonym at once , in which case the process is called a one-pass load , or to load it in two passes , which is called a two-pass load .
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