Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 When you are in a situation where you have to clean up after your dog it is advisable to encourage it to defecate on a surface which will make the task easier .
2 For a market economy to work it depends on the existence of certain values .
3 Keegan knew his side would face Barnsley 's stifling three-man central-defensive formation , yet the attempts to counter it bordered on the banal .
4 It is unforgivable to leave it to wither on the vine .
5 He opened one gate slowly , trying not to let it scrape on the gravel .
6 I was particularly pleased to see it go on the ZZAP !
7 Lonrho 's ethics have been publicly queried in the past , so many in Whitehall are galled to see it cast on the side of the angels by its opposition to the Al Fayeds , after they had thwarted Lonrho 's own designs on Harrods .
8 ‘ I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
9 What the hell did I get it for — to have it sit on the fucking shelf ?
10 In one of the most tantalising promises yet made in the computer industry , Unix System Laboratories Inc is claiming that independent software vendors who port their applications to its Destiny desktop implementation of Unix SVR4 will only have to do so once to have it run on the disparate architectures of Intel Corp , Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc RISC , MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC , Hewlett-Packard Co PA RISC and IBM Corp 's RS/6000 RISC .
11 I do n't see a need to have it repeated on a separate bit of paper anywhere else .
12 That 's why there was such a mad panic to get it done on the Sunday the last day before So why are the mattresses back there getting bloody damp ?
13 If you er , send one in , to get it mentioned on the day , well we certainly do our best , er , sometimes , er , the er , anniversaries and the birthdays , not very often , are crowded out by er , any news stories that we may have to bring you , became first and foremost this is a news programme , er reflecting the stories of the day , but generally speaking we manage to get a full list of your dedications in .
14 Okay , now so I think what one may have to say it depends on the species and the circumstance .
15 ‘ I try to suggest , to an actor , something in the scene other than what appears to make it move on the surface . ’
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