Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 There was too much weight hanging from the wings to let it glide through an awkward bank like that , all the time losing the upthrust from the breeze ; losing it twice , because now it followed the turning plane .
2 One possibility was to force it to land at an army base remote to Teheran .
3 A month ago I decided to have it straightened by an acid perm .
4 Keep the tenancy , and fight to have it valued as an investment property when the time comes .
5 Practice implies a world of fact and is concerned with the alteration of ‘ what is ’ to make it conform with an unrealized idea , a ‘ to be ’ .
6 As I hinted in the first paper , traditional design understanding has tried , in effect , to simplify design to make it conform to an already existent model of what a ( scientific , technological , artistic ) activity should look like .
7 This is all part of the same project described by Simone de Beauvoir and Hélène Cixous , a project of defining gender in a particular way and trying to make it look like an essence , something real and unchanging and natural and necessary .
8 ‘ The corpse was then moved to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident . ’
9 They found Lady Eleanor dead in her chamber and , concerned about the possible consequences , took her body to the foot of the stairs to make it look like an accident .
10 matchsticks together and then I stuck one half on top of the other to make it look like an extending ladder .
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