Example sentences of "[to-vb] a [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sociologists have either to accept a thoroughly verificationist approach to both Freud and to many of the founders of sociology , or to be inconsistent and accept a judgement made by psychologists about Freud which is based on logical and philosophical assumptions which , if applied to Max Weber or Èmile Durkheim or Marx , would lead to these thinkers being likewise dismissed as unscientific .
2 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
3 It would be absurd to adopt a rigidly determinist view of what has gone on in the formation of culturally transmitted marriage laws .
4 Thus it is one thing to adopt a radically subjectivist posture towards law reform and another thing entirely to purport merely to be describing the law as it is and then to conclude that it is wholly or even primarily subjectivist .
5 Fiona , 34 , is leaving ITN 's News At Ten to present a 6am breakfast TV show with Michael from January .
6 The IRB professes to be the body administering world rugby , but the need for the existence of FIRA points out the IRB 's failure to take a truly world view of the game .
7 I said that if I was going to get into the guitar business , I 'd got to make a highly precision piece — I could n't live with a 32nd or 16th of an inch tolerance and then have some old violin maker filling up the gap with plastic wood , or just leaving a huge crack around the joint as some people do , I had to find a way of making precision wood parts .
8 I said that if I was going to get into the guitar business , I 'd got to make a highly precision piece — I could n't live with a 32nd or 16th of an inch tolerance and then have some old violin maker filling up the gap with plastic wood , or just leaving a huge crack around the joint as some people do , I had to find a way of making precision wood parts .
9 Well , we deal with a wide range of different groups , and erm we 've got to produce a best advice list , and er we try to find you the best contract available in the market .
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