Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I came here with my parents in 1974 and saw that most of the ‘ Australian ’ souvenirs were imported from Hong Kong and the Philippines , I decided to try and break into the market , ’ he recalled .
2 In the realms where it was studied , it was recognised as the ability to tear and claw into the mind of another .
3 And when father came and took mother for his wife , to live with her and to take care of her , the little egg began to grow and grow into a real little baby .
4 They were able to communicate with the part of us that longs to grow and expand into the world .
5 At the end of the session , June Braithwaite said she had found it useful ; she had not needed to become hysterical , and he had not been able to leave and disappear into the kitchen .
6 But I will not be held hostage by Lucker 's desire to glow and simmer into the night .
7 ‘ He would direct the victim to park and go into the warehouse , showing that he had access .
8 Along zones of plate convergence , especially where these occur along the margins — of continents ( such as along the west coast of South America ) , buckling of the oceanic lithosphere causes it to founder and sink into the underlying asthenosphere , thereby forming a subduction zone .
9 ‘ I can recognise the warning signs straight away — I start to tremble and go into a cold sweat , ’ explains Philippa .
10 ‘ There was another accident a little way down the carriageway and people slowed down to rubberbeck and drove into the back of each other . ’
11 In the time it took Nick to arrive Harriet forced herself to wash and change into a clean sweatshirt , though the most mundane of everyday actions seemed a huge effort .
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