Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 Or her , ’ she would add scrupulously , being among other things a feminist ) , but in practice this does n't seem to affect her behaviour very noticeably — she seems to have ordinary human feelings , ambitions , desires , to suffer anxieties , frustrations , fears , like anyone else in this imperfect world , and to have a natural inclination to try and make it a better place .
2 Erm my nan remembers him , was it somebody called , no no he was another character I think he sold newspapers , but erm I do , I do remember him er They 've always erm tried to get some entertainment on the pitch though prior to the matches to try and make it a family thing you know , I , I think Watford are the best club for that you know , because they , the supporters seem to take all the family along , as my son said when they went down there to the Cup replay they are very much a family sort , they do n't get a lot of trouble at Watford either .
3 In the meantime , I want you all to try and build me a decent-sized castle , right ? ’
4 ‘ I was going to have a coffee at the Greek cake shop , ’ Constance went on , ‘ but just as I was going in one of those middle-class , middle-aged ladies with a smile on her face was coming out , and whenever I see one of them I think she 's going to try and sell me a poppy or something or tell me Jesus loves me .
5 And on top it was terrible , I used to try and comb it a certain way .
6 Yeah because he 's got to go on a month 's course for a start , for just general and then we 've got to try and find him a a week 's course somewhere as A L O , I do n't know where but er in that time .
7 What 's more , as soon as he heard of your problem , Direct Delivery 's manager immediately visited your home and , although it was agreed that the damage was purely accidental , as an act of goodwill toured the shops in Lisburn to try and find you a replacement .
8 He asked me to try and get him a map but this was a difficult thing to do in a place the size of Fontanellato , where hardly anyone possessed even an atlas of the world .
9 Erm but then she rang back later , I do n't know whether she contacted room bookings to try and get me a dining hall , but she said they might be able to have their dinner in the S C R. So that 's alright , I 'm okay .
10 He said to Mariana , ‘ I need to try and get us a little further north . ’
11 So if I may , I would like to negotiate to one or the other if if you will agree er to that , to try and get us a dance group , we 've been trying to get a dance group for years
12 ‘ What you need to do , Leith , is to try and deglamorise yourself a bit . ’
13 Baptiste , run and ask your mother to come and give me a hand , would you ?
14 " Perhaps you would be ready to come and give me a fitting on Friday afternoon ? "
15 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
16 If in pain control , you were in control of your own pain , you have less than if it were a set wait every four hours for us to come and give you a tablet .
17 Already stratagem has worked , in that 3 ladies ( not beautiful Brazilian brunettes ! ) have offered to come and cook us a meal next Wednesday — a Japanese meal which sounds like a mixture of harakiri and kamikazi , but I hope it will taste nice as the person cooking it is Japanese — there are lots of Japanese in this part of Brazil .
18 I 'll be in again first thing in the morning to see him , so I 'll be able to come and wish you a Merry Christmas , Faye . ’
19 Oh I think I 'm going to go and make you a bottle , make you a bottle shall I ?
20 no it 's not , it 's been designed especially for it so erm he 's gon na get erm , I said what are you doing all this for I said , it 'll be easier to go and buy yourself a three wheeler
21 No I know you do n't have tea , you 'll have to go and get yourself a
22 If James has n't come down by the time you get back , I promise to go and get you a drink , my darling , dearest , demanding wife . ’
23 Steve looked at it , he said I think you 'd better go to shop and buy yoursen a new one .
24 Eventually I felt calm enough to respond and tell her a little of my hurt .
25 Rosalba baked special almond biscuits , hoops of crumbly nuts and fine sugar , intending to wrap some in coloured papers and offer them to Tommaso 's mother as a gift for the feast ; but could not , because , as she was about to set off , she realised that she did not know her well enough to call and give her a present .
26 Anyway , one of them told me to stay and gave me a raffle ticket .
27 They used to shape and give it a seam down the back .
28 Drama school is n't going to teach anybody to act but it does give the vital techniques with which to act and gives you a chance to make mistakes , experiment and find out about yourself .
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