Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 The latter measure made it worthwhile for the Americans to try and do what the British had failed at , making British films which would go down well in America .
2 The rest of those in the room have to try and do what the leader does as fast as possible afterwards , but without making obvious who the leader is .
3 Erm perhaps I can turn the the question on its head and and I think the way the County Council 's looked at it , what would be the implications of not providing for the needs of North Yorkshire , and that 's I think the approach that we have taken in the first instance , is to try and determine what the needs of North Yorkshire are and to borrow a phrase from Professor Lock , in strategic terms to look at er try to achieve full employment in North Yorkshire .
4 I 'd like to try and define what the difference between and eating disorder and simply wanting to be a different shape or a different size is ?
5 ‘ I left lecturing to try and see what the big wide world had to offer , but things never worked out .
6 Mourning the death of his adopted daughter in the raid , Gaddafi was inviting the world to come and see what the Americans had done to him .
7 ‘ People are very welcome to come and see what the teachings are about without any obligation . ’
8 For after the rain came hail , to batter and crush what the water had left undamaged , and after the hail , snow , sudden freezing squalls that piled white drifts in every cranny and across every open space .
9 It thus becomes highly convenient to view the market , in a world of production , as if all entrepreneurial activity were in fact carried on by producers ; in other words , it now becomes convenient to think of resource owners and consumers as passive price-takers , exercising no entrepreneurial judgement of their own and simply reacting passively to the opportunities to sell and buy which the producer-entrepreneurs hold out to them directly .
10 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
11 But also there may be agency clients watching the participants from another room through a one-way screen to see and hear what the people do .
12 These have to be married with the individual dreams of each business who , in addition to achieving the best they can ask for their business , have to perform and deliver what the board has asked of them for the company as a whole .
13 Rather than enter this fray it could be better to wait and see what the outcome of the vote is .
14 ‘ I shall have to wait and see what the situation is with Lazio before I know about England .
15 Theresa I 'm going to have to stop you and I 'm going to have stop you as well Sue and can I say that we 're going to need to wait and see what the Prime Minister has to say .
16 Well you 'll have to wait and see what the inspector says on the greenbelt .
17 Our College would serve : to collect and deposit the variety of sound veterinary knowledge which floats dispersedly in the kingdom … to collect and arrange whatever the labours and experience of other nations have furnished on this subject ; to improve on this extensive stock … correspondencies and communications should be encouraged …
18 The medium bombards and basilisks , made by John in his wisdom with trunnions , now showed the virtues of his new two-wheeled carriages , which made them easy to move and regroup whatever the weather .
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