Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [art] [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 In practice this rarely seems to work and the school needs to take responsibility for much of the incidental training .
2 Smoking is also significantly related to stroke and the risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked [ 8 ] .
3 If it appears that the prosecution has failed to prove an essential element of the offence , or if its evidence has been discredited in cross-examination , there is no case to answer and the defence does not respond .
4 ( 3 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods larger than he contracted to sell and the buyer accepts the whole of the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
5 The crosses will have to go and the widow knows they break regulations .
6 One minute to go and the Director wishes everyone down on the floor good luck , and in time-honoured tradition Verity Lambert leans forward and wishes the Director good luck .
7 The powder fails to ignite and the cannon does not fire .
8 The brain needs glucose to function and the body reacts causing you to feel faint , sweaty and light-headed , and to experience difficulty in concentrating .
9 When a fighter actually gets on to the mat , the self-doubts seem to vanish and the mind concentrates upon the job at hand .
10 Consequently it can be much easier to use and the parent does not finish the day feeling exhausted after shouting and nagging .
11 She 's failed to testify and the case has collapsed .
12 The vegetation within , protected from the dry air , begins to decay and the mound starts to warm .
13 Then the children start to arrive and the husband has to stay at home at nights with the wife and help look after them .
14 The fat bodied pens are comfortable to hold and the hand does not become fatigued by prolonged use of them .
15 Index-linked gilts are complex investments to assess and the investor does obtain professional management by buying via a specialist fund .
16 Yes but my Lord d dealing also with the suggestion by the defendants that it would have been improper to advise him to serve completion notice when he was n't in a position to complete and the solicitor deals with the the expert deals also with that position as to what is the practice of a solicitor in that situation if there 's a potential er problem for that particular solicitor to what the advice should be as to how the client should deal with the that .
17 Another effect could be when the debtor falls to pay and the amount has to be charged to the profit and loss account as a bad debt .
18 Tory group leader Coun John Hale said : ‘ It all stems back to the early days when people were encouraged not to pay and the momentum has built up from this . ’
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