Example sentences of "[to-vb] the many [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If your ability to gain the skills and information needed to combat the many complex issues that you have to deal with is impaired , then the government and employers will have what they want .
2 It was interesting to see the many impromptu sketches made in situ , often as skilled as the finished work .
3 It is better described as a full day 's expedition , and those who undertake it need to be well-provisioned and should allow ample time to see the many natural attractions along the way .
4 I warmly welcome the opportunity to debate the many forward-looking suggestions the APB has put forward .
5 It is not possible here to chronicle the many other points included in the Submissions to the Labour Court on behalf of the Bank Assistants .
6 All social services departments are being hit by inflation and are short of cash and staff with which to meet the many urgent requests for help from all sections of the community .
7 Only a few , such as the Royal Bristol Volunteers carried on , and in that instance it was to guard the many Napoleonic prisoners of war in Bristol .
8 Cautiously setting out to explore the many winding canyons debouching from their landing point , a host of nightmarish apparitions greet their progress .
9 This is not the place to explore the many alternative theories of the firm , but it might be worth noting that , for example , the theory of sales revenue maximisation ( Baumol 1959 ) assumes that managers pursue the objective of maximising revenue rather than profits .
10 Bozburun , in a deep and well sheltered inlet , is worth visiting to see the busy traditional boatyard , and a base to explore the many local day anchorages .
11 The aim of the competition is to encourage artists to explore the many creative opportunities offered by the new Tinted Bockingford range .
12 Great Britain , for their part , will be looking to recapture the many admirable qualities which brought them that improbable victory after Steve Hampson 's early dismissal reduced them to 12 men .
13 Ulysses opens with the horrifying story of the blinding of the one-eyed Cyclops , told with gusto , and goes on to recount the many other dangers Ulysses faced during his 10-year voyage on the ‘ wine-dark sea ’ , trying to get home after the siege of Troy .
14 It is not our intention here to discuss the many different forms of spoken language which can be identified even within one geographical area like Britain .
15 Workers in the pharmaceutical industry and in laboratories obviously have to be knowledgeable and skilled to avoid the many chemical hazards which can threaten the safety of their environment .
16 As Professor James explains , ‘ By issuing these separate recommendations for complex carbohydrates and free sugars , the intention of the report is to stress the many specific advantages of a high intake of complex carbohydrates .
17 Most at risk is Venice , California , on Los Angeles 's Pacific shore , where the Venice in Peril organisation welcomes visitors ' support to help them to save the many cultural treasures , some of them almost 50 years old .
18 It did n't seem to me the way to behave towards someone with whom you had shared a good many midnight hours , swopping confidences and generally letting your hair down , not to mention the many other evenings when we had had such fun with Henry and Jimmy , and I felt rather aggrieved at being treated this way .
19 She grew up in the African bush , and came to love the many wild animals as well as the domestic animals on her father 's farm .
20 Leeds were given the fish by a benefactor , their task was to remove the many small roach and skimmer bream .
21 The professional clairvoyant also has to ignore the many scriptural bans on fortune-telling ( 1 Samuel 28:3 ; 2 Kings 21:6 ; Isaiah 8:19,20 ; Daniel 2:2 and others ) .
22 To attempt to foresee the many varied business ideas that future entrepreneurs will devise would be a fruitless task .
23 Not only have they continued vigilantly to oppose the many external threats to the countryside , but they have developed an awareness that the rural environment is also being subverted from within — by farmers and landowners , and the demands of modern agricultural practice .
24 These techniques now provide the analyst with a formidable armoury with which to attack the many scientific problems associated with art research .
25 Anthropological analysis of these beliefs , I believe , should add a crucial semantic dimension to compliment the many non-qualitative enquiries into policing now in progress .
26 Walking : The tourist office provides maps to show the many marked walks which include lakeside paths in both directions from Bellagio .
27 It may prove difficult to co-ordinate the many specialised tasks and divisions that are required by the division of labour .
28 The firms use the factors of production to produce the many different types of goods and services which they then sell to households ( whose spending is called consumption ) , the government , foreigners ( who buy exports ) and other firms ( whose spending on capital goods is called investment ) .
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