Example sentences of "[to-vb] the same [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 My officers find it frustrating to see the same persistant thieves out and about .
2 In his turn , Tran Van Hieu knelt to perform the same silent acts of obeisance as the older man , but after prostrating himself for the third time , he remained on his knees and to his children 's surprise began to pray aloud .
3 Besides City work , Norman Broadbent has continued to attract the same high-powered assignments which came its way when it was with Russell Reynolds : 40% of its assignments were at CEO and MD level in 1987 , compared with 24% in 1986 .
4 He has also agreed , following the practice adopted in previous years and as specifically requested by the employers and the teachers ' unions , to consult the same interested parties on the details of the draft pay document giving effect to the Government 's recommendations .
5 We can predict it simply from our reasoning that both the beetle genes and the bacterial genes will take whatever steps lie in their power to engineer the same future events — events favourable to the propagation of beetle eggs .
6 What however he did seek to do , starting from about nineteen-hundred erm and ten , or nineteen-twelve , was to apply the same methodological procedures which he 'd applied in mathematics , to a range of philosophical problems .
7 There are detectives and DCIs and Chief Supers and Commanders every fucking where ; more tecs and CID guys and Anti-Terrorism Squad chaps and regional guys than you can shake a nightstick at , all asking questions , all asking the same fucking questions and me trying to give the same fucking answers ; seeing DI McDunn , sucking saliva through his teeth and letting me share.his B&Hs , is like meeting an old pal even though he 's got all his questions too .
8 By replacing one of the sulphur atoms in an ring by RC , it was hoped to retain the same electronic properties of and , by changing the substituent R , a systematic study of the physical and chemical properties of this type of heterocycle could be done .
9 I suppose you get days when you feel you get up and you 've got to do the same old things — you get bored , you 're stuck in the same routine .
10 I am already conscious of the manner in which research students tend to plough the same predictable paths through archival sources .
11 But ringing has shown that the same birds return year after year to patrol the same wintering areas , the oldest birds having done the round trip up to 30 times .
12 In areas where there are a number of pumice deposits present , all of them looking much the same , it 's clearly a difficult job to tell them apart and , more important , to recognize the same individual deposits in separate localities which may be many kilometres apart .
13 The beautiful eyes seemed to have the same dark depths as those of her brother but they did not have his sharp , probing gaze .
14 This extends to the appointment of ancillary and technical staff , who would be expected to have the same sympathetic qualities , and to making a case for help from the authority 's teaching and support services or for a welfare assistant to help with an individual pupil .
15 Full-time occasional students ( other than those participating in an Inter-university Co-operation Programme under the EC ERASMUS scheme ) are required to pay the same annual fees as full-time students .
16 Organic chemists had been troubled and had had to overcome the same semantic problems a century earlier ( see Chapter 2 ) .
17 Conventionality and Contrast together allow speakers to be consistent from one occasion to the next in their uses of the conventional meanings assigned to linguistic forms , and to maintain the same form-meaning pairings over time .
18 And until a company has the volumes , it will not be able to get the same good terms from suppliers .
19 The same autograph-hunting crowds wait for her and the same bland interviewers are at hand to ask the same repetitive questions for TV , radio , newspaper or magazines .
20 So when he saw the 301 project it gave him the idea of using ultra-modern airframe and engine technology and aerodynamics to achieve the same magic numbers with a single turboprop instead of two kerosene-guzzling pure jets .
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