Example sentences of "[to-vb] over from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This kind of planting can be dull in summer , so Jenny and Michael planted clematis to sprawl over from the border behind , the rich colouring of C. viticella ‘ Etoile Violette ’ contrasting with the dull bronze conifers .
2 WILLIAM and HARRY will be groomed to take over from the Queen .
3 The revised scheme proposed that the water authorities , now with only the functions of water supply and sewage disposal , should be privatised , but that a new National Rivers Authority should be created ( in the public sector ) to take over from the water authorities the regulatory functions of pollution control , water conservation , land drainage and flood protection , conservation , recreation , fisheries and navigation .
4 It was beginning to take over from the London external degrees , and had already established a substantial range of subject areas in which it could work .
5 Some MEPs want ultimately to take over from the council the main responsibility for passing EC laws , while others want to concentrate on the right to appoint the European Commission .
6 The thing about the solo is that it should really be a chance for the guitar to take over from the vocalist and really hit you in the heart like vocals can , and I 'm sorry but these heavy metal solos can never really hit you because it 's just music by numbers . ’
7 Peter then approaches the blackboard on which he writes the date , 5 November : this is the cue for the jazz to take over from the calypso ( in more strident tones than before ) as an indication of the disturbing events which follow .
8 ‘ We succeeded because we were elected to the Lebanese parliament and we were able to take over from the Turks and French in their ministries . ’
9 He had also appointed professional diplomats to take over from the members of the Soviet Political Consultative Council delegated to negotiate with the Baltic states on issues arising from their independence from the Soviet Union [ see p. 38541 ] .
10 A body to take over from the Wagner Development Group .
11 ABPC has been formed to take over from the project 's original partners , Total , Petrofina , LASMO , Inpex and the Syrian Petroleum Company — all of whom are shareholders in the new organisation .
12 The first Ken was Ken Clarke whom I had managed to bring over from the Transport Department .
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