Example sentences of "[to-vb] our [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My answer to this criticism was that teachers of English are virtually unanimous in their enthusiasm for literature , but need persuasion if they are to accept our recommendations for the teaching of grammar , Standard English and knowledge about language .
2 On 16 December we and our Community partners set out guidelines to inform our decisions on the recognition of new states in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union .
3 ‘ But we have established that the French only seem to know our secrets after the king 's letters and memoranda are delivered to our embassy in Paris . ’
4 And one blessing is that we are n't likely to be saddled with the tag ‘ Team of the Nineties ’ — which is a real kiss of death — while we 're trying to find our feet in the Premier League . ’
5 Our overriding priority is to provide our shareholders with a satisfactory financial return on their investment .
6 Our overriding priority is to provide our shareholders with a satisfactory financial return on their investment .
7 Our aim is to provide our members with a special holiday experience — including lectures and tours by expert guides and access to restricted places .
8 However , to provide our customers with the optimum service possible our Operations Department plan departure schedules approximately 8 weeks before the date of travel .
9 As a consequence we need to increase our prices by an average of 12.2% from 1st April 1990 .
10 These comments allow us to understand why have could be substituted for get in ( 176 ) but not in ( 177 ) : ( 176 ) The teacher got us to write our names on a sheet of paper .
11 The Army of the 1990s will be structured to meet our needs in the face of a changed threat , in particular the end of the Warsaw pact and the millions of Warsaw troops who previously were geared immediately to face us .
12 The social evening held at Royston was very enjoyable , a fine opportunity to meet our colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere .
13 We all met at a pre-luncheon reception and then adjourned to the dining hall to sample the culinary delights which were to space our classes for the next five days ; four classes with dancing after dinner was the order of the day , all meticulously time-tabled .
14 We 've got to clean our streets to a higher standard more quickly .
15 He will merely be remembered as the man who told us , as the Minister of Energy during the four-day week in the last days of the Heath government , to clean our teeth in the dark , for heaven 's sake .
16 A balance is therefore established between what we are losing and what we are gaining , and this balance enables us to view our losses with a reasonable degree of calmness .
17 ‘ It is our task , as Liberal Democrats , to set our sails to the new winds which will blow through the nineties ; to establish the new frontier between individual choice and collective responsibility . ’
18 ‘ I also tried to say that our unity was in the future when we believe that all things will be gathered together and completed in Christ and that therefore our policies of today have to reflect our longings for the future .
19 we have extremely good erm figure on a reduction in accident over the last few years and I 'd like to erm , I 'd like Councillor to erm to prevail our thanks to the road safety officers
20 ‘ Our task is to help our customers in the short term use them more efficiently , and as quickly as possible bring to the market new products which will not have any interaction with the ozone layer .
21 We have wonderful eighteenth-century objects , but would like to strengthen our holdings in the nineteenth century .
22 So I anticipate a lively and above all , beautiful exhibition which will allow us to advance our debates around the issues of Women , Modernity and Modernism .
23 The Chief Education Officer sorry Director also contain these warnings in her introduction , she reminded us that we would have to discharge our responsibilities in the years to come , she reminded us that decisions are never easy and she reminded us that we need to show that we are capable of firm managerial action .
24 ‘ We are forecasting a very exciting time developing our activities in London and we will continue to gear our services to the clients requirements and ensure that our approach is a refreshing change . ’
25 By now Labour was fully committed " to maintain such armed forces as are necessary to defend our country and to fulfil our obligations as a member of the British Commonwealth and of the League of Nations " .
26 ‘ But I would like to bring in another player on loan to cover our injuries in the short term .
27 Shilton had said earlier : ‘ I have made an offer to the club to pay for a player on loan myself to cover our injuries in the short term .
28 There was silence for a moment after the front door too slammed , and then George said carefully , ‘ I would prefer you not to discuss our disagreements with the children .
29 Her Majesty 's Government will continue to fight to persuade our colleagues in the European Community that the proposals are not only unnecessary and unjustifiable , but would be extremely damaging to employment throughout the Community , particularly in the United Kingdom .
30 All I want is the truth , the real reason why you decided to come here , why you suggested that we try to ease our differences in the first place . ’
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