Example sentences of "[to-vb] her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In turn , this is likely to produce a commitment from her to do the utmost to meet her obligations to the job .
2 The likelihood of Britain having to meet her obligations in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula increased in step with the raucousness of Radio Cairo 's ‘ The Voice of the Arabs ’ , adjuring all true followers of Islam to oust every vestige of European colonialism from their lands .
3 Agnes pushed Jessie towards the basin , hissing , ‘ Stay there ! ’ then hurried out of the room to meet her mother in the corridor , the while calling , ‘ I 'm coming .
4 To meet her couturier at the Hilton .
5 He had said he might be late , after all , and she decided to snatch a few more moments of privacy to recharge her batteries in the one place in the whole luxurious house where she was able to relax and feel she was her own person .
6 She may start to release her emotions fully during or after the service , or she may go through all the ritual connected with it in a daze , but sooner or later it can be expected that the flood-gates of her grief will open and she will then begin to work her way through the multiplicity of problems that lie ahead of her .
7 She had to work her way up the system again , but decided to stay a rung below that which she had previously reached .
8 ‘ At that time , ’ recalls Vivien , who was the first British player to try her hand on the American Tour , ‘ the LPGA needed all the publicity and good will it could get .
9 Nutty paused , trying to marshal her convictions into the right words .
10 This second misfortune seemed to revive her memories of the earlier time when she had been carrying his child and had been given to understand that her husband had been simultaneously carrying on an affair with some young army chauffeuse .
11 And suddenly Morse knew where the body had been launched into the river and into eternity ; knew , too , that if Lucy Downes could so quickly arouse the rather sluggish libido of a Lewis , then it was hardly difficult to guess her effect upon the lively carnality of a Kemp .
12 A divorced woman can only use her former husband 's contribution record to establish her right to the basic pension and only provided she contributes in her own right as soon as the marriage ends and she does not remarry ( unless she is divorced over the age of 60 ) .
13 Isa was trying to retrieve her jaw from the counter when the door opened and two Americans walked in .
14 He would n't have to bear her quips about the unfaithfulness of his wife , but then he did n't have her delightful , amusing letters , either .
15 Changed , he returned into the lounge to find her standing at the window again , as if watching for the assassin 's return .
16 And then came the day when he came home to find her standing by the door with her bags packed .
17 Desperation to escape also helped her to find her way through the labyrinth of passageways , up to her room on the second floor .
18 But as she reached him the vision shimmered and disappeared and she was alone , stumbling as she tried to find her way through the shadows of a forest , mist cloaking the branches of the trees .
19 It occurred to her later , when she was in the westbound Central Line train , but not then , not when she was trying to find her way to the interchange .
20 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
21 To realise this , it is necessary , that Comrade Winnie Mandela is helped to find her way into the structures and discipline of the Mass Democratic Movement .
22 She lugged her case up the wrong stairway , came out facing the open lough , had to find her way around the superstructure .
23 Streamlined jockey Michael Roberts gave Lyric Fantasy the chance to find her feet in the early stages , but a sudden surge of speed at the furlong marker clinched the money .
24 Shelley was surprised to find her chief in the medical centre .
25 She could still return through the woods , retracing the silent path , past the clearing and its ancient Eros with blank sightless eyes , moss flaking from its pedestal like old scales , to find her car beyond the padlocked gates , its paintwork shimmering in the heat .
26 Her slightly anxious mistress arrived , breathless , on the platform , to find her lead in the guard 's capable hands , her nose raised adoringly to him .
27 Barely giving her time to find her balance within the circle of his arms , he spurred the horse towards the beckoning trees .
28 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
29 Tessa would have liked to hide her face in the covers and cry .
30 In alarm she struggled to hide her body from the eyes of the young men , and in so doing knocked the vessel on to its side , leaving her and the soapy water on the floor .
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