Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It takes time to discover what subjects a particular client will respond to .
2 The High Court is being asked to define what constitutes a genuine gypsy .
3 Is it possible to define what makes a good parent ?
4 It is a touch unfair to use hindsight to criticise what faced an eager hungry young Welsh unknown in the piranha-filled goldfish bowl of Hollywood in the early Fifties .
5 Although most of us do n't have the time or the inclination to record what tickles a particular customer 's fancy when it comes to paying , it does nevertheless pay off to make that extra effort and note what it is that works — particularly with large customers .
6 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
7 It may be questioned whether this change achieves very much of a practical nature since ( a ) one still needs to look back at the common law of detinue to determine what constitutes the new form of conversion and ( b ) there still survive two torts of interference with property which have a considerable overlap with conversion , i.e .
8 He has to determine what constitutes the verbal event , and what form he will transcribe it in .
9 We set out to try to find evidence of those links in order to understand what made the spontaneous collaboration possible .
10 From here you can see the summit of lofty Braeriach to the south-west , iced with a mantle of snow for the majority of the year , and you start to understand what made the old men in shirt sleeves point .
11 We had to climb what seemed a never-ending staircase to a high platform where we took our seats in a punt at the top of a slide having water rushing down it .
12 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
13 Of course , it was for the church to decide what constituted a spiritual or moral matter .
14 De Beaugrande and Dressler rightly point out that it is ‘ much more straightforward to decide what constitutes a grammatical or acceptable sentence than what constitutes a grammatical or acceptable sentence sequence , paragraph , text , or discourse ’ .
15 They have to , in order to be able to decide what constitutes a sensible experiment .
16 Simplicity There is no need for countries to decide what constitutes the appropriate exchange rate or for their general agreement on whether deficit or surplus countries are responsible for the adjustment burden .
17 It would be presumptuous to call what follows a collective biography and it would certainly be unwise to claim any great statistical value for such findings as there are .
18 She really needs a strong man by her side ; I hate to think what marrying a weak one would do to her — and to him .
19 We were in such a state we decided to swallow what seemed the bitter pill of Thatcherism .
20 In order to have what seems the best of Stevenson 's thought before us , I shall now develop an attitude theory of ethics , largely based on his work ( though also drawing on that of A.J. Ayer ) , in which the strictly emotivist thesis is dropped and the concept of emotive meaning gives way to one of valuational meaning .
21 A chance to see what makes a perfect ploughman .
22 He declined to say what missed the 2.1 release .
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