Example sentences of "[to-vb] which [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , it is important to know which of the altered plasma factors in the diabetic state are responsible for enhanced platelet function .
2 It is difficult to establish which of the two scientific theories could hold sway .
3 A more open mind was required to discover which of the many possible patterns God had actually chosen to instantiate .
4 To find which of the five is the most fragrant , we 'll be holding a studio sniff-in on Morning Edition at 8.45am on Saturday August 31 .
5 At this point , we need to test our alternative scientific theories to see which of the above is the ‘ correct process ’ .
6 He was an ungallant swine for deliberately not coming to her aid , but in truth he really wanted to see which of the likely lads , would dash forward .
7 In another experiment , subjects were woken either five or fifteen minutes after REM sleep had started , and asked to estimate which of the two intervals had been used .
8 Try to spot which of the four or five known activities it is .
9 In the high grade group , a Cox 's multivariate analysis was performed to identify which of the following variables such as age , extension to adjacent organs or serosal invasion , stage and mode of treatment ( surgery , chemotherapy , or the combination of both ) might be of independent significance in predicting mortality .
10 Nona looked about her with interest , trying to identify which of the young men in her vicinity could possibly be policemen .
11 To assess the likely impact of electronic media on the business historian , it is first necessary to understand which of the three layers of information are of most interest , which are tangible , and which are currently being preserved .
12 It will have to judge which of the received suggestions are most suitable as well as possibly adding items which have not been suggested .
13 Yet another Messiah on ‘ early ’ instruments , conspiring no doubt to send retailers completely mad in their attempts to decide which of the many available readings they should plump for .
14 Evidence is all around us , and the first step in any research is for the scientist to decide which of the many facts are of concern to him .
15 When he is shown a pair of faces and has to decide which of the two is a celebrity , he performs at chance level , even though he performs almost as well as normal subjects on this task when the faces are replaced by their names .
16 Benny was also putting off telling her own parents about the accident , but she had to decide which of the two nuns to talk to on Eve 's behalf .
17 German speakers have difficulty in distinguishing between " bring " and " take " in English as these are translated by one German word " bringen " , but the English speaker has difficulty trying to decide which of the two English words is meant in any statement containing the German word " bringen " .
18 The next stage is to decide which of the potential projects to work on .
19 The next stage is to decide which of the potential projects to work on .
20 The reader is also invited to ponder which of the two proofs gives him the greater personal satisfaction .
21 Describing himself as ‘ a retired fiddler ’ , he was reluctant to say which of the many festival events would be highlights for him , but could hardly deny , that one will certainly be a performance by his former pupil , Claire Roff , now 18 , who began playing the violin when she was only four .
22 and in the end the jury will have to say which of the two versions of the meaning they except
23 Technically , the Act does not oblige the person imposing the conditions to specify which of the alternative grounds he relies upon for his authority to do so , although where the event is to be held in the future , the directions given by the chief of police must be in writing .
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