Example sentences of "[to-vb] its way [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In other words , 18 months was not long enough for the ‘ marked ’ lead to work its way through the local food chain .
2 This has given time for the ‘ marked ’ isotope to work its way through the environment much more thoroughly than in Turin .
3 Under his benign regime , Thatcherism as a model of social transformation will continue to work its way through the system .
4 Will the Prime Minister join me in reaffirming that no group either using or supporting violence will be allowed by any Government to bomb its way to the conference table ?
5 Like all mammals , dolphins need air to live , and the first act of life of a newly-born dolphin is to find its way to the surface to breathe .
6 Finally , there were merchants , the men who organized the markets that enabled the corn or flour or bread to find its way to the hungry , the wool to the weaver , fuller and dyer , the cloth to the man who needed a new costume , timber to the shipbuilder , timber and stone to the church .
7 Will he draw attention to the National Coal Board 's policy of closing pits , because when a pit is closed not only is low-sulphur coal lost in many cases , but the methane is then allowed to find its way to the surface ?
8 Her book is not a comprehensive history of English garden design , but a much chancier , though equally delightful narrative depending for its emphasis on what happened to find its way into the collection .
9 Weak on aesthetics it undoubtedly is , and yet curiously it is the only book on drama in education lucky enough to find its way into the impressive bibliography of the 1982 Calouste Gulbenkian publication on the Arts in Schools .
10 They can be formed on land near the sea , in shallow lakes or indeed anywhere where it is possible for a large volume of water to find its way into the volcanic vent .
11 Were such matter to find its way into the domestic blue-film market , the Board argued , it could have a very real tendency to deprave and corrupt , not just those of 16 , but of any age , who had been encouraged to view such material in private .
12 to keep ‘ important ’ issues off the agenda£ fails to take into account the diversity of media — magazines , journals , books , radio — which allow for an enormous amount of information to find its way into the public domain .
13 An exciting implication , by analogy with certain tumour cells that express Lewis-X and metastasize to the lungs and liver ( the two major systemic organs through which schistosomes migrate ) , is that this sugar provides a means for the parasite to find its way around the host .
14 If one took analogies seriously and from such a definition … of ‘ so-called primitive capitalist accumulation ’ , then literally the whole of capitalism , right up to its death would end up in the ‘ pre-history ’ of capitalism : for capitalism obtains surplus profits from ‘ third persons ’ throughout its entire existence ; there is and will be no such stage in the life of capitalism when profits were not to come its way on the basis of exploitation of third persons .
15 Methodism had clearly not yet achieved the success that was to come its way during the nineteenth century .
16 There was a shortfall in orders to carry the company into the 1990s — the famous ‘ black hole ’ — and it was vastly overmanned for the amount of work that was likely to come its way in the immediate future .
17 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
18 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
19 A YEAR CAME AND a year went and another began to tick its way into the clock of time .
20 In contrast , the laboratory rat appears totally blind to the casual observer , using touch and feel , instead of sight , to negotiate its way around the environment .
21 The earth smelt clean and sweet , and the sun was trying to pierce its way through the ragged dark clouds .
22 In my view , very little of this activity manages to scrape its way above the threshold of consumer awareness .
23 In my view , very little of this activity manages to scrape its way above the threshold of consumer awareness . ’
24 The shape of a tapir makes it possible for it to push its way through the thick undergrowth at considerable speed .
25 It 's having to push its way through the air . ’
26 From Bonn it heads north across the relatively flat north German plain , but southward it has to cut its way through the hard rocks of the Taunus range where narrow gorges once made the upper reaches of the river dangerous to navigate .
27 However , it was one of the typewriter creatures that had managed to dig its way into the cell .
28 This more distant fire let up long enough , however , for the column to make its way beside the buildings on the east side of the basin .
29 As soon as the delicate lining has been interfered with , the ovum finds it difficult to make its way to the uterus and may either arrive too late for successful implantation or , which is worse , may implant in the tube itself , giving rise to an ectopic pregnancy ( tubal pregnancy ) .
30 Many a Dark Elf army has been lost in Tiranoc while trying to make its way to the more populous lands of the south and east .
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