Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun pl] into the " in BNC.

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1 For a moment it looked as if the classic capture was about to take place : the low , lean greyhound was about to sink its teeth into the boar .
2 The MP 's motion and three parliamentary questions directed at the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , allege the copy was given to the fraud squad to help its investigations into the successful £615million bid for Fraser by the Fayed brothers in 1985 .
3 The whole structure was now owned by the municipality of Jaffa and the museum hoped to extend its galleries into the rest of the building when money was made available .
4 The normal tendency of such a ‘ preparation ’ ( biologists ' speak for an animal to which they have done something nasty , akin to the use of the term ‘ sacrifice , that I commented on earlier ) is to extend its legs into the liquid bath .
5 Now it is hoping to take shares in another quartet of carriers and to spread its wings into the world 's biggest single airline market , the United States .
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