Example sentences of "[to-vb] its [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 This should allow ample time to enable each branch to finalise its comments on the plan .
2 It aims to keep things that way by launching a High Court copyright action against British software designer Codemasters which is about to launch its games on the market .
3 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
4 The difficulties arise in attempting to devise a formula that will distribute the grant so as to equalise its effects on the needs and resources of all local authorities .
5 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
6 HaL is unlikely to sell its chips on the open market .
7 Of all the major unions , only Nupe has emerged with much dignity , vowing from the start to ballot its members on the succession .
8 Guidelines are being produced by the IEC to enable AI to express its concerns on the taking of hostages by nges , and deliberate or arbitrary killings by nges .
9 It is as if between 1927 and 1934 a party unequivocally committed to a sectarian strategy on the political front nevertheless consciously chose to hedge its bets on the cultural front .
10 South Africa-based Transatlantic already holds a majority stake in CapCo but the deal will allow it to make an application to list its shares on the London Stock Exchange .
11 This research programme will monitor the impacts of the change in order to identify its effects on the efficiency with which services are provided and to examine the distribution of its impact on the travelling public .
12 Rough roads , however , of the sort council repair crews seem so keen to create , ruffle it slightly and cause it to slap its tyres on the road in protest .
13 In fact all the furniture hugged the walls as if frightened to put its feet on the carpet .
14 Washington declined his invitation to keep its troops on the island and disappointed Blaize by failing to come up with promised investment to reduce huge unemployment .
15 If the Government refuses to do anything about auditors ' liability , will it be credible for the APB to refuse to pursue its proposals on the role and scope of audit ?
16 On top of that , regulators are changing the rules of the game almost every week : in the latest move , on January 23rd , America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines .
17 An investor is likely to seek the appointment of a director to represent its interests on the board of Newco .
18 The Regia Aeronautica was quick to reclaim its airfields on the island , and by mid May the force assembled there was once more quite impressive : ( *the Reggiane Re 2000s were a test batch of the first pre-production examples of this little monoplane fighter . )
19 A United Kingdom Foreign Office spokesman welcomed the development and said that he expected the European Communities ( EC ) to move " swiftly " to lift its bans on the import of South African iron , steel and of gold coins .
20 In Manila the Philippine government testily rejected Mrs Marcos 's offer of help to the poor , and continued its interminable task of trying to get its hands on the Marcos money .
21 AT&T is the first company to get its hands on the product , which runs on MVS .
22 According to Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , the new licensing strategy — see front page — should , for example , enable the Sparc compatible community to get its hands on the company 's next-generation Viking , or SuperSparc technology — being co-developed with Texas Instruments Inc — much more quickly than the best part of a year that elapsed between the launch of the Sparcstation 2 ( UX No 308 ) , and the day Sun gave the green light for the LSI Logic Inc made 40MHz Sparc chip sets to be sold on to Sun wannabe 's ( UX No 356 ) .
23 China refused to sign an ‘ unofficial ’ treaty , or to change its guidelines on the treatment Taiwanese investors should receive — which is more favourable than that offered many foreign investors .
24 Note that it can be viewed when the LIFESPAN Process is active , by using the VMS command TYPE to display its contents on the screen .
25 When visiting a foreign country , for example , I may feel that I have reason to obey its laws on the ground that if I do not I may bring the reputation of my university into disrepute .
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